Chapter 14

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It been a week already and today James and Net are going to meet James' mother and James is so nervous.

"James ,hurry up we're going to be late baby"
" Yes love, give me a minute I'll be ready soon"
" Baby, you've been saying that for the past hour" Net was really getting annoyed now
"Baby, I need to look good"
" baby you look good in everything you own"
" you only day that because you love me, and live is blind"
" at least you know I love you"
" okay, I'm ready baby. Let's go"
"Finally, you look amazing by the way"
"Thanks Love"

They arrived at James mother house at 1230hrs and their lunch was going to be at 1300hrs

" Mom, we're here" shouted James
" coming my baby"

James mother appeared and the saw his son with a man
" James baby I thought you said you were bringing your partner ,where is she" his mom asked
" Mom,actually Net is my partner" James said nervously
" James baby, please tell me you're joking right now"
" no mom, I'm not joking"
" James baby, the doctor cured you of this disease remember. You don't like men anymore"
" mom, actually I pretended that I was no longer gay because I wanted to get out of that place , please forgive me"
"I'll forgive you on one condition baby"
"What is it mom, I'll do anything for you to forgive me, I live you mom"
" break up with this bastard next to you and go back to rehab and the doctor will help you fight this disease baby"
" mom, being gay isn't a disease okay, and I love Net. He makes me so happy I can't leave him no matter what"
"Then consider me dead James" his mother said calmly
"Mom please try and understand me for once"
" James baby I've given you my conditions and if you don't accept them then I don't think you need me in your life anymore"
" ma'am please don't do this to us, we love you and want you to accept us. Please ma'am" said Net
" Can you shut up you bustard, you made my son like this,for years he was okay all these years. He was even dating models and actresses and now you're saying he's gay"
His mom said leaving the two of them in the living area
James was now in tears, he didn't know how he was suppose to make his mom understand him
Net held him in his arms trying to calm him a bit.

"My baby please don't cry okay, we both knew that today wasn't going to go how we wanted it to go. Please baby, you're hurting me by crying like this"
" I know we- we- knew it might go wrong but baby it still hurts"
" I know my love, shhh shh, it's going to be okay"
" I love you Net ,I love you so much. You won't leave me no matter what right"
" I won't leave you baby, I'm going to stay with you forever. I love you more than anything "

They calmed down and went out of the house soon.
Net and James decided to go on a date just to calm down after the day they'd had. They were both emotional drained and just needed to recharge and spending quality time together was just what they needed.

As they were on a date some reporters were taking pictures of the two

The next day

"The CEO and owner of JM fashion and CEO and owner of Net Fabrics are in a romantic entanglement"

The PR departments of both the companies were working double the time just to try and come out with a strategy to get out this match without any lose of business and customers

The PR strategy from both side was for James and Net to say the pictures were fake. 

In James office

Net, James, Thomas, Yim, Off, Gun ,Earth and Mix

Mix: so guy how are you planning on getting out of this because you all have been publicly straight since the beginning

Net: we we're publicly straight,we just didn't date guy in public and since we never really said we were straight, I dont think we have that much of a problem

Gun: so you guys are planning on not denying that you're together

Earth: might I remind you that both your PR managers said denying the rumors was what was best for both your companies

Off: Guys you shouldn't take too much of a risk remember you have employees who depend on you to make a living

Yim: yah think this through guys

Thomas: I think both of you know what's at stake here so make your decision wisely

James: guys we decided to come out to the public because both our companies main values is honesty and lying now will do too much damage to both the companies in the long run

Net: the press conference will be tonight at 1800hrs. We will appreciate all your support

At the press conference

James PR manager addressed the press first
"Good day everyone, today has been a long day for all of us and we would like for this press conference to go as smoothly as possible. So here is how we would like to go about it, we are going to give you time to ask all your questions but that will be after Mr Michaelson and Mr Adams give their official speech. Are we clear everyone, one wrong move from either of you and we're out of here."

After the PR manager was done both Net and James stood hand in hand and the reporters started taking even more pictures. They reached the podium and Net was standing with James while James had his hands wrapped around Nets one arm.

" Good evening everyone, My name is Net Adams and this is James Michaelson, you probably know our names. Moving on to why exactly everyone is here James and I are in a romantic . He is currently my boyfriend and I'm hoping he's going to be my husband in the future.(James was now blushing a bit,since he didn't expect that part, he was trying really hard not to show it though). We started dating a couple of weeks ago that's why we hadn't informed anyone except our close friends and family about us being together. We are after all people with influence,we didn't want to inform anyone else except if we were 100% sure about us and also we had to think of our employees as well. This relationship would cause a lot of bad business for both of our companies if the public had a bad view of it, so as you can see we had a lot of things to think about. We would have wanted to announce our relationship to the public on our own terms but it seems someone beat us to it, we aren't angry at the person just a little sad because this was our secret to tell the world not his or hers. And lastly both our companies have nothing to do with our personal lives. Thank you very much." Said Net

"We will be taking questions now" said James

Reporter 1 : " This question is for Mr Michaelson, Is it true that you fired you previous assistant and fabric manufacturer because you wanted to work with your lover"

James was a little pissed but smiled through it
" No, absolutely not. The company didn't deliver their services on time and also when they did, the fabrics where defected and we couldn't use them. My company could've lost millions if not billions for their mistake. And alter I found out that my assistant was working with this fabric company to try and make me go bankrupt. I had no choice but to cut them loose"

Reporter 2: " Mr Adams, there are rumors that you don't love Mr Michaelson and you're using him to advance your business. What do you have to say about that "

" As long as my baby knows and feels that I love him, I don't think I need to prove to anyone else. People can believe what they like ,I don't really care. Only my baby matters" said Net

'Like Net literally just called me his baby on national tv, is he crazy. This is so embarrassing ' James thought

"We will be taking 1 or 2 last questions " said James PR manager

Reporter 3: "Mr Michaelson , Is it true that your mom is against this relationship of yours"

James was in the verge of crying and Net could see that so he answered the question instead

"Yes , unfortunately mother doesn't approve yet but that doesn't mean that we won't be able to convince her" he said hugging James tightly

"That'd be all the questions we will answer today, thank you all for coming today" said James PR manager while taking James and Net out of the room

"You did great guy" said Net's PR manager
"Yes ,I agree. You handled everything better than I thought you would" said James PR manager.

"Thank so much guy, James and I will be leaving now. We had a long day and we need some rest"


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