Chapter 19

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Net pov

My baby and I are at the airport now, our flight will be leaving in an hour and we are going to arrive at the island in about 2-3 hours depending on the traffic the other side.

My baby is so happy about this getaway,he has so many things planned for our vacation. If only he knew what I had planned.

James Pov

With Net still acting so strange I'm just scared like I thought everything was going great between us but with the way he's been acting I just don't know anymore.
Everytime I ask him why he's acting strange he says it's all in my head and everything is fine but I can tell that there's something going on and it scares me , at one point I was even thinking that maybe he doesn't love me anymore but I just took that thought out of my head.

Anyways I'm going to make our vacation so memorable so I need to forget about all this ,Net did say nothing was going on so I'll believe him just for my peace of mind. If something is bothering him he'll tell me about it sooner or later.

So arrive at the resort were staying at and I'm really, Net really outdid himself in love everything about this place.
We then go to room which was the biggest there with the best view of the sunset and the beach and it also has it's very own private pool making it even more perfect.

" James baby, do you like you room, you seem awfully quiet" Net asked

"I not only like it, I love it babe" I said excitedly

" I'm glad", he says kissing my cheek

We changed into our pj's and ordered dinner then slept since it was now night time, we had a long day planned tomorrow.

The next day

I woke up around 0845hrs and Net wasn't by my side anymore I wonder where he went. A few minutes later the door bell to our room rang and I went to answer and it was a deliveryman carrying the hugest bouquet of red roses and there was a note inside saying:

To the love of my life

I know you woke up and I wasn't there next to you and I'm sorry . I promise after today I won't do anything like that again. Hope these roses put a smile on your face. I love you too much James.

Ps: Meet me in the lobby in 10 minutes

The love of your life

That was cutes letter I've ever received, seems like this day is getting better and better.
Net and I had breakfast and then after that we went to the beach but before that I got another gift from Net and it was a beautiful necklace with his name engraved the other and mine in the other. They were priceless and really beautiful. Now I was kind of feeling bad I didn't buy Net anything.

After walking around the beach for sometime we came back and the went to get massaged for a bit while talking about random stuff and after the massages Net excused himself because apparently he had to go make some call with a client.

As I was just sitting in the room and knock disturbed me and it was a delivery person again ,this time with a box . I wonder what's inside that big box but there was another note with it.

My baby James

This is an outfit I hope you will wear when I take you on the best date of your life tonight.
I hope you know that the start of the rest of our lives will begin today.

Yours Net
Ps: don't reck your brain trying to figure out what that statement meant

I wonder why he put that statement there if he knew it was going to be stuck in my head, although I was a little frustrated , I was excited about my date.

The time came and I got dressed but then remember that I wasn't told were the date was going to be and I was thinking another door bell ring disturbed me.

It was another delivery man with a smaller box this time . It was a watch and a necklace with the note.

My James

A little something to complete that gorgeous outfit . Meet me at the lobby in 10 minutes.

Yours Net

Okay Net is being too cute today.

Net pov

So far everything is going according to plan, hope he says Yes to my proposal. I'm very nervous. Hope he also liked his gifts and also his outfit for the night.

He emerged from the elevator looking breathe taking, everything he was wearing just was perfect now I just have to make sure the proposal goes perfectly.

I took him to the beach which was well decorated for our date and we had dinner having small talk ,just as we were about to finish desert I went on my knee1 and said

" James, my love, my life, my everything, I've loved you from the moment I met you when we were kids but I wasn't smart enough to figure it out. I can't imagine my life without you in it and for that reason I'm on my knees today before you with just one question. Will you James Michaelson make me the happiest man in this planner no universe by marrying me, be my husband James, please be my forever"

" yes, yes ,a million times yes Net, I love you so much."

James Pov

"yes, yes ,a million times yes Net, I love you so much." I said with tears coming out of my eyes.

Just as I said that I heard people cheering. OMG all our friends were here to witness this beautiful moment, this was just perfect.

But if only my mom was here too it would have been even better.
And my mom appeared with Net's brother and mom.

"Mom, what are you doing here " I said
"My baby is getting engaged, where else would u be if not here"
"But last time, what happened "
" your husband to be came and talked to me before the proposed to you"
I just cried and hugged Net while mouthing ' thank you' to which he replied with a nod

Just as I pulled out of the hug ,Net's mom pulled his ears,
" so you thought you were going to get engaged
without me here Net"
" mom, I was going to tell you"
"James my son, are you sure you want to marry this stupid boy" Net's mom say
"Mom, please whose your son" Net said and then I said
" Unfortunately mom, this stupid guy made me fall in love with him." I said smiling

"So when is the wedding " the moms both said at the same time
" In a couple if month, I want to enjoy being engaged first" James said
" I agree baby" Net said

The engagement party went on and on till 5 am ,that s when people started going to their rooms.


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