Chapter 1

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10years after their fallout

James Pov

Sam(Jame's assistant):"sir the shipment of the new fabrics we ordered is arriving today and Gun should be here by noon or later to give a more detailed update on the order once it arrives."

James: " okay Sam, what about the meeting with the investors this weekend, is everything set for that"

Sam: "Yes sir, everything is ready. I will bring the material for the meeting later for you to double check and see if it's what you want."

James: " okay, thanks Sam" James says as he enters his office

James is the owner of the billion dollar fashion company that sets trends for all of clothes related fashion all over the country and worldwide.

It's now lunch time and before James could have lunch Gun rushes to the office looking really stressed and James knew instantly that they had a big problem.

James:"What happened Gun" asked James nervously

Gun:"the order for the fabric is just not what we wanted ,it seems like the company was cutting some costs and their fabric isn't really up to standard and we can't make clothes for our market with such fabrics boss " Gun was really panicking

James kept quiet for a while just letting everything sink in , he also thought of the shareholders meeting he was having in 3 days and how this problem was going to affect its outcome,he needed this problem solved ASAP .

Gun seeing his boss not responding went in to say" boss I think we might also have a mole in the office working with this fabric company, the just want to make sure our company fails.

Now James was angry and he knew he needed to get ahead of this as in like yesterday.
He then remembered how his assistant Sam was the one who had insisted that they use this particular company got ordering the company's fabric and now this and James knew immediately that they guy had a hand in the matter.
He then called Sam in his office and Gun left.
Sam :" Sir, is there anything I can do for you , I was just about to go to lunch"

James was angry but didn't want to show it si Sam wouldn't be alarmed so he said"Yes, actually I called you to say that will you get for me Mr Sanders from HRM (Human Resources Management)

Sam: "sure sir, anything else"

James:" no ,that'd be all" he didn't wanna sound panicked in front of his maybe betrayer

Sam was a panicked now, he thought James would be freaking out by now since he and the fabric company had decided to screw him over . Sam called the HRM department

Sam: " Mr Matthews , JM sir would like to see you before you go to your lunch break."

Thomas knew something was up and he quickly left all he was doing and rushed to he's friends office.

Without even soaring a second for greetings James just went on to say

James:" Tommy, we have a problem"

Thomas:" okay what's up boss, what can I do to help'

James:" find me a quality fabric manufacturer ASAP and do it without any one knowing about this, I don't want to cause panic in the company.

Thomas: " sure boss."

James:" you can go home early today so you can get this done without having to answer too many questions from your co-workers."

Thomas just nodded and left the bosses office.

Sam was outside the office when Thomas left and even though he was curious,he couldn't just straight up ask Thomas what they were talking about because they weren't that close. So he just sat there curious.

Thomas Pov

Around 1445hrs, Thomas had been doing various research on fabric manufacturers and chasing down references when he came across " The Adams fabrixs"
It had a lot of loyal customers and it seemed like they were all pleased with their work. After an hour in to doing a more detailed research on the company, Thomas thought he had found the one but now the only question he had was will the company he found be able to produce such a large quantity ao fabric with the little time they had.

He called N Adams assistant
Thomas:" Good day sir, am I speaking to Mr Sander assistant to Mr Net Adams"

Yim: " Yes you are, how many I be of assistance to you sir."

Thomas:" well My name is Thomas Matthews and I am the head of human resources department at James Michaelson Fashion and I would really appreciate a meeting with your boss."

Yim:" what the agenda of the meeting sir.'

Thomas:" JMC needs a large quantity of quality fabrics ASAP" Thomas said trying to be as straight forward as possible while not sounding too desperate.

Yim: " I'll talk to my boss and will get back to you ASAP."

Thomas:" Thank you Mr Sanders,have a wonderful day.Get back to us soon."

Yim: " You too, Mr Matthews"

Gun Pov

In the meantime Gun was assigned the work of finding evidence against Sam and he now he had everything he needed to bring Sam down.

Gun walked past Sam and entered James office

James:"Gunnie Bunnie, please tell me you found something I can use to fire this son if a b****"

Gun:" of course Jamie, what do you underestimate me, why don't we bring him in"

Sam was called in

James:" Sam, do you want to resign on your own or do I have to fire you." James said in a calm but scary tone.

Sam:"Boss ,what are you saying."

James:"Did I stutter boy, answer the damn question." he said in a slightly raised voice

Sam was now panicking cause now he knew that he's boss knew what he had done but all that just lasted for a second as Sam just begun to laugh
Sam:" I see you have found out what I've been up to boss."

James a little disappointed said :" Why Sam, haven't I been good to you."

Sam:" oh, you have boss. But I told you I loved you boss and you just rejected me so I was just getting back at you for that, how could you reject me boss?" Said Sam bitterly

James looking all sorts of angry:" so all this was because I don't want a relationship with you."

Sam:" Yes, now let's see how you get out of this situation with the shareholders meeting coming up in just 3 days" Sam was now laughing

Gun was now super and he knew he had to get this dog out of the office before Jamie loses it

Gun:"Get out you bustard!!."

Sam:"with pleasure."

After Sam left being escorted by security to make sure he does steal or go out with company belongings

Gun:"boss don't look so worried,Tommy got this situation under control.

Just as James was about to respond,he's phone rang

Thomas:" we have a meeting with "TA fabrixs tomorrow at 10am boss"

James:" thanks Tommy, fi you want to come with me as I don't have a secretary no more."

Thomas:"sure thing boss"

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