Chapter 22

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Mia's pov

Net thinks he can just dump me at some hotel and leave me there and I'll stay away from him then he's got something coming at him. How dare Net talk to me like that and that too for some guy. I've loved Net all my life and if that Jimmy guy thinks he can just walk in and take my man from me he also has something coming at him. If I can't have Net then no one else can and I'll make sure of it.
I decided to call Net

Mia:" Net sorry to bother you but I am not feeling well . Please come take me to the hospital"

Net:" hie Mia, please don't call me from now on , James doesn't like that and also I'll call the hotel reception to come check up on you. My baby can be quiet a jealous person, I hope you understand "
Mia:" it's okay Net I understand, I just thought since you were the only person I knew in the country then I should call you for help but that's okay"

Net:" I'm sure you will be fine on your own Mia, I have to go now. I have a meeting to attend in a couple of minutes "

Mia:" okay ,Net I...." And just like that he hung up on me
How dare he hang up on me ,I'm the one that called I should be the one to hang up. Net is being cold towards me and I don't like it one bit and everything is because of that Jimmy guy. I'll have to deal with him.

I called Net office and pretended to be client and asked if he's schedule was free tomorrow and that  I wanted a meeting and they told me he's going to be on back to back meeting the entire day which was great for my plan , now I just need to make sure that James will be home tomorrow.

I called his office and they told me he was taking an off day tomorrow for personal reasons. Everything is just going according to plan. Now one thing  has been canceled from my to do list. I don't have to make James stay home because he's already there.

The next day

I had the entire day planned for today and everything was going to go according to my plan. Once I get rid of that Jimmy guy the Net will be devastated and come running right to my arms . I just have to make sure I do everything properly. I have a full-proof plan.

I brought a motorcycle and then went to buy some delivery person clothes and food warmer. I looked like a legit delivery person. I was now Infront of James' building and my luck was with me again a delivery person was going in to deliver food and guess whose house he was delivering the food. You guessed right ladies and gentlemen it was Jimmy's house. I asked to deliver for him and he got weirded out at first but  agreed since I said it would save him time and that I was going to an address next door so it will not be an inconvenience even to me.

James pov

I wasn't feeling too well yesterday so I cancelled all my meeting today just to relax for the entire day. That's what's my doctor prescribed anyways ,he said I was working tok bard and my body just couldn't keep up with me no more so I just needed a day or two to recharge.

Net obviously wasn't happy about me being sick and he wanted to take a day of with me but I convinced him otherwise but since he really didn't wanna go to work he's been calling me 24/7 asking how I am . He calls me before and after meeting. Today he has a full day so I guess thats why he calling even if itd just be for a minute or so.

I was on a call with Net when the door bell rang

James:" baby, there is someone at the door I'll go answer it and come back, actually I'll just go with my phone"

Net:" it's probably the delivery people. I ordered lunch for you because you hardly eat when you're alone"

James :" thanks love"

I went to the door and I was just too stunned when I saw Mia delivering my food.

James:" Mia"

Mia" Jimmy, you finally know my name" she pulled out a gun while saying that

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