Chapter 6

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James and Net had agreed to have a meeting to discuss the furthering of the contract between the companies soon as Net fabrics delivered. Both Net and James were looking forward to that.

Friday(day before meeting)

Net was working on the finalization with the transport department getting ready to leave for delivery. The fabrics were going to be delivered as early as 1600hrs if everything went according to plan.

Net called Yim in his office then said " can you call the people from JM fashion and give them our travel scheduling and tell them what time to expect their delivery"
" Yes sir" said Yim as he was leaving Net also added something else
" Can you also ask them what time the meeting is gonna take place tomorrow and where it's going to be."
" Sure thing sir" will get back to you soon

Yim left the office and went to his to start with his assignment work.
When he called Thomas answered the phone since James hasn't had the time to go through any of the CVs of potential replacement for his PA, so Thomas was filling in for the time being.
"Thomas from JM speaking,how many I help", said Thomas
"This is Yim from Net fabrics, we have sent you an email containing out transportation schedule,hope you got it and read through it".
"Yes we have, thank you very much"
"It's a pleasure and also my boss wanted to know what time the meeting was going to be tomorrow."asked Yim
"Let me ask my boss and get back to you, give me 10 minutes" said Thomas
"Sure Mr Thomas" said Yim

Thomas went and asked James about the meeting after updating him about the transportation of the fabrics then James said" tell them will have a meeting tomorrow at 5pm and that will give Gun enough time to assess the quality of the fabrics so we can determine whether or not we continuing to use their company".
"Sure sir" said Thomas

After calling back Net fabrics Thomas couldn't help but wonder if Yim would be coming to the city with his boss. When he first met Yim ,he thought he was the cutest person in the world and talking to him on the phone minutes ago made him so nervous. He wondered if Yim also felt the same when he(Thomas) was around him(Yim)

Net's POV

Net and Yim were prepping for their evening flight when Tay and said he was coming with them.
Net tried to convince him otherwise but Tay had made up his mind. He wanted to me James, he's other big brother. He had missed him so much all these years but didn't voice out his emotions because he's brother was already hurt with James just leaving like that.

Tay was so excited with the thought of meeting James that he forgot all about he's fear of flying but was quickly reminded of this when they entered that airport and he started to panic. He's brother who was seeing all this smiled to himself then gave his brother some anti-anxiety medicine so he get through the flight

They arrived in they city at midnight and checked in to their hotel and got so e rest.

Day of the meeting

Net and Yim were just going through the final preparations for the meeting and Tay kept on asking Net when he was going to meet James and Net was really getting annoyed at his little brother because he was trying to work and he kept on asking like a little kid. Net knew he had himself to blame for Tay behavior because he spoilt him too much and Tay always got what he wanted when he wanted it.

James , Gun and Thomas had a mini-meeting before the actual meeting with Net's company.
" The fabrics we got from the company were really of great quality, the best we've ever had in the history of our company" said Gun
" Okay, although I think u're over exaggerating a bit I think we will continue to work with Net fabrics for our future projects" said James
" Good work finding them Thommy" said James
" Thanks boss" said Thomas
" Okay, let's prepare for the meeting, it's starting in a couple of hours, the two of you are going to come with me to the meeting, I think I'm gonna need backup." said James

The meeting

Thomas ,Gun and James arrived first for the meeting and a couple of minutes later Net and Yim arrived.
James couldn't stop staring at Net, he was wearing a beautiful black tailor made suit and he looked hot as he approached the meeting room. James quickly got himself together and cursed himself because Net still had the same effect on him he did many years ago.

James and team stood up as Net and Yim were about to reach the table to greet them before sitting down. After the greetings were fine ,they went down to business
" Our team really loved the fabrics you got for our company and as a result we would like to have a long-term contract with your company" said James
" We glad you liked them, and about the long-term contract, I think that would be great for both the companies. Lets discuss the terms and conditions shall we" said Net
They spent about 2 hrs discussing the contract and finally agreeing on something.
In these two hours,James and Net could not keep their eyes off each other. Thomas also kept on stealing glances at Yim.
After concluding the meeting as they were about to leave Net said "Can I have a word with Mr Michaelson if that's not too much of a bother"
"Sure" said James
The others excused themselves
Net spoke first "So how have you been Jay or you gonna pretend you don't know me"
"I've been fine" said James coldly
There was an awkward silence for a while then James asked about Tay
"He's fine,now he's at the hotel dying to meet you. If you have the time we can go there now and see him or he'll kill me" Net said with a smile.
"I'd love to meet my little broe, let's go now" James said excitedly
Net just shook his head as he lead the way to the car then the hotel

As soon as Tay saw James he came running to him "Big broe!!" He shouted
"Hey little one, how're you doing "
"I'm good now that I've seen you, it's been years Big broe and you didn't even think about visiting me" he said with a sad smile
" I'm sorry , I was very busy but now I promise to visit you at least once a month okay"
"Okay, and mom misses you too "
"Then I will visit her too"
They said all this still hugging each other and Net couldn't help but feel jealous of his little brother. James wasn't this nice when it came to him. He looked annoyed and was also keeping distance from him(Net)

After an hour of catching up , James said his goodbyes and Net walked him out before they reached the car Net asked James " why did you leave without saying goodbye "
"Because you didn't need a clingy friend like me anymore" James said with tears in his eyes
" Jay, I'm sorry. I was young back then and didn't mean what I said. There were rumors about us being a couple back then so I didn't want them to spread more that's why I said that to that girl" said Net
"So what you're saying is you were protecting yourself"
" Yes I was. Jay I was stupid please forgive me. I will do anything for your forgiveness Jay please " he begged
" You don't have to do anything Net, I forgave you a long time ago"
"Thank you, thank you so much"
"But me forgiving you doesn't mean we are now friends again"
"I understand, what can I do to be your friend again"
"Just give me time to think about it okay"
"I'll give you all the time you need"
James and Net hugged for the longest of time before James got in his car and drive home.

To be continued....

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