Chapter 10

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Net's POV

He woke up early in the morning super refreshed and quickly sent Good morning text to he's baby.

Good morning baby, hope you slept well

Morning future hubby, I slept well and you

I slept well too but it'd have been even better if you were next to me

Will you stop flirting already

If I don't flirt with my baby then who will I do it with

Net, come on it's early in the morning
Anyways let your baby go bath ,I have a company to run remember
And by the way have you found a place for your new offices yet and how did you find the apartments I found for you guys

Well I haven't found a place I like yet but I'm still looking and the apartments were great, they guys like them a lot. Thank you so much for the help babe

You're welcome. And regarding the offices, I have a building that's near my office that currently free if you want it you can have it. I'm not using it at the moment. Come check it out in the afternoon maybe at 1400hrs and see if it's something you can work with.

My baby is always thinking about me. Okay love I'll see you later
I love you

Net was much more happier just thinking he was going to see James later. He then got ready and he decided for the day he was going to wear black trousers and a plain baby pink shirt.

James Pov
After talking to his man, he went on to dress up for the day. He decided to wear a beautiful baby pink suit and carried a beautiful white purse just pull the whole fit together.

3rd Persona

At 1400hrs Net arrived in his office carrying a big bouquet of red roses which were James favourite. He couldn't help but blush and smile at the same time. That didn't go unnoticed by Net as he walked closer to James and locked eyes with him then said.

" Is my baby blushing, I haven't even said a thing and seeing me just made you blush"
" I wasn't blushing" said James defensively
" Whatever you say babe". Net said pulling James closer to him.

James Pov
He pulled me closer to him and as I was still trying to process what was going on he crushed his lips on mine. He's lip were so soft and the way he hand was caressing my cheeks just made me let out a little moan "mmh" and with that Net took me from my desk and we went to the couch that was in my office. He sat down and made me sit on his lap still kissing me might I add. Then he bit my lower lip so he could explore my mouth and it worked like a charm. I didn't want the kissing to stop , I fact I wanted to do more than just kissing but Net and I were interrupted by a knock at my knock.
We quickly got away from each other , trying to catch our breathes and then I straightened myself up and said 'come in' to whoever was outside

Net's Pov
The kiss with my baby got intense real quick, it wasn't my intention for it go that far really . I had planned to just give him a perk on the lips but tasting those strawberry lips just drove me crazy and the way my baby is beautiful I couldn't stop myself, Trust me I did, I was hoping he would stop me but he just let me and I was grateful for that
If not for the knock that interrupted I wonder what could have happened.


I know its a short chapter, will make it better next time

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