Chapter 20

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I have a bad feeling about this Mia girl so decided to call Gun and maybe he can ask Off what her deal is. i just dont want her anywhere near my man.

Gun: "hey stranger"

James: "i'm a stranger now"

Gun: "well we haven't talked much since you engagement party that's why"

James: " im not taking the full blame for this one because you and i both know OFF has been keeping you busy too"

Gun: " okay, you got me there"

James: "where is Off, i want to talk to him. I just didnt want to call him directly since we arent really that close "

Gun: "okay, let me get him for you"

James: "Thanks love"

Off: " hey James , what's up"

James: "okay so this might sound like a jealous lover talking but i promise you im just being concerned"

Off: "okay, what are you jealous about"

James: "off" i whined

Off: " okay, i was just joking around a little"

James: "okay, so i need you to tell me everything about Mia, Net's friend from university"

Off: "please tell me that bitch is not back"

James: "she is and is now staying with Net under the pretext that her apartment is still being fixed or something. i have a bad feeling about her "

Off: "James, that bitch has been obsessed with Net since uni and Net thinks since he rejected her they're now friends but i know for a fact that that girl still wants him and she's going to do everything in her power to split you guys up. I once warned Net about his friendship with that girl but its like he just doesn't listen" 

James: "i knew something was off about that  girl. I guess i have to be careful now and figure out a way to "

Off: "I hope Net finally comes to his senses and ditches that whole friendship altogether"

James: "okay , thanks for the information Off. Say bye to Gun"

Off: "okay, bye"

After the conversation with Off i must say i was intrigued and ready for the challenge which was that girl.  My life was about to take an interesting turn.

Anyways I'm having breakfast with my hubby tomorrow and I hope that psycho bitch won't be there, she already ruined my dinner date I don't want her ruining my morning as well.

The next morning

Woke up earlier than usual to get dresses ,these days it seems my favorite hobby is dressing up nice for my man. I just love the way he's so amazed every time he sees me and I like that he appreciates the effort I put when I dress and in whatever I do really.

It's now 30 minutes before my date, I leave my house. I hope to never see that girl with NET ever cause i might as well lose my mind.

Arriving at the cafe i was pissed to see Net with that girl again. It's the second date she's ruining for me and i have to smile and pretend as if its not affecting me 'hell no'. As i approached Net came to give me hug and a peck in the cheek .

Net: "i hope you don't mind but Mia will be joining us for breakfast " he said with a smile on his face and i just wished i could just wipe that smile on his face because it was just annoying me even more

James: "Its okay but can she never join us again like  ever, im not comfortable around her especially on times when its suppose to be just us" i say with a huge smile on my face

Net: "got it baby" he said pulling a chair so i could sit

James: "hie Maya, you look nice today. That dress kind of seems too much for breakfast doesn't it"

Mia: "hie Jacob, my name is Mia by the way and i wore this dress because i hadn't unpacked all my stuff yet to find something appropriate and too your standards Jacob "

James: "babe, can you tell your bestie over here what my name is. And do i even look like a Jacob"

Net: "I'm sorry love, Mia his name is JAMES J-A-M-E-S JAMES"

mia: " i get it Net, you didn't have to spell it out"

James: "Baby i don't think this is the morning i'd like to have. All i wanted was to spend it with you but you bringing her just ruined my entire day. why did you bring her anyways"

Net: "well she said she didn't want to be alone in my house and she needed to check her apartment early so i can drive her when im done with our breakfast"

James: "hasn't she ever heard of calling a taxi and is our breakfast that meaningless, you're talking about it as though its something you had to check of a list. AM I SO UNIMPORTANT TO YOU NET"

Net: "baby , please don't think that"

James: "im just going to leave now, you two enjoy your breakfast and whatever fun activities you have planned for the day" I say leaving the cafe

i can't believe Net didn't even follow me when i stormed off, do i not mean anything to him anymore. Why are we even engaged at this point if he doesn't even care about me. Maybe he and that psycho bitch deserve each other


Mia: "that escalated quickly, is he always this emotionally unstable"

Net: "you don't know my man and i won't allow you to say such things about him ever. AM I CLEAR"

Mia: "okay gosh, i was just asking a simple question. Don't take it to heart"

Net: im going after him

As i said that Mia stopped me saying i couldn't leave her alone since she wasn't familiar with the place she was afraid she would get lost. so i stayed with her and then watched her eat because i had just lost all my appetite . i needed to talk to my baby ASAP but he wasn't answering my calls and i was getting worried so i called OFF

Net: "hey man, can you find out from Gun where James is"

Off: " what did you do man"

Net:" something really stupid ,I plan on explaining later not now"

Off:" don't bother explaining I already know because your man is at our house and he is a mess, so by all means get your shit together man and don't come to my house tonight" he said hanging up

I was glad my baby was safe but sad because he wasn't okay and I was the cause of his pain

So sorry for publishing late guys ,school is kicking my butt

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