Chapter 5

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James left the office feeling relieved of having solved a huge problem that would have been disastrous for he's company but at the same time was extremely nervous because of Net obviously, they were going to have to meet occasionally now since there were now business partners and all.

He was brought out of his thought by his older brother shouting his name
" James Michaelson, ready to have lunch with your favourite brother" said Earth
" You're my only brother" said James with a huge smile on his face
" Okay ,okay let's go, I have to go back to the office in an hour and a half. I have an important meeting with my investors on the new tech we're developing" said Earth proud
" Broe , can we reach the restaurant before you start with your whole update" said James looking bored
" Okay, okay, I know talking tech isn't your thing but you're gonna have to give me at least 15 minutes of the lunch time to talk bout my tech before it's all about you again " said Earth smiling.
" I can only promise to be listening for 10 mins"
" Okay, I'll take it" Earth aid opening the door for his sassy little broe

As they were driving to the restaurant James decided to tease his broe just a little.
"So broe, hows Mix" James said with a mischievous smile
Earth nearly choked on his saliva as James was talking
Mix is Earth PA and also James friend from college and Earth has a crush on Mix though he really tries to hide at work
"He- ,he's fine" Earth said stuttering
" When did my big broe start stuttering" James said
Earth just ignored that last statement as they were entering the restaurant.

They enter the establishment and are directed to their table and they order drinks for themselves while they decide what to eat.
" So tell me about this day you've had James" said Earth
James started to tell his broe about his assistant and all and how they now had no supplier but the found one last minute.
" That does seem stressful but I feel like you omitted some important" said Earth because he could clearly see that his little brother was hiding something
" Okay, I'll tell you. The new supplier is Net, the Net Adams" said James
Earth was just too stunned to speak but after he had processed everything goes on to say " So hows Net or you just pretended not to know each other"
" I didn't pretend I just didn't acknowledge I knew him"
" That's the same thing broe"
" Anyways you two are going to be meeting each other for business meeting and all so I think you should talk before this all turns to a toxic working environment,that will be bad for both business " Earth advices
" Okay broe, got it" said James rolling his eyes , he just said that to avoid a log lecture from his brother. He knew if he didn't agree then he's bro was just gonna go on and on and on
As Earth was about to say something else, their waiter came back and saved James
They ordered their lunch and ate while talking about various stuff about their lives.

Net's POV

Net was confused while leaving James office, he had thought at least James was good be affected by he's presence but fro where he was standing, he seemed unfazed and that hurt Net.
Usually when Net got a deal for his company he wouldn't stop talking about it but to his time he was just quiet and that worried Yim who as in the car with him. They were heading to the airport to go back home.
Once they landed Net's little broe Tay was waiting for him at the airport.
Net was very happy to see his brother
" Big brother" Tay said hugging his broe way too tight
" Hey you, since when do you pick me up from the airport" Net said surprised
" Well I missed you so much" said Tay with a weird smile and Net just got it
" How much money do you need Tay" Net sighed
" When you put it like that ,it's like I don't care about you. I need just half of my allowance for next month upfront"
" Okay broe,let me transfer it now" Net was just too tired to asked any more questions
" Thanks broe, you're the best"

As they arrived in their mansion,their mother welcomed the two boys and just like that Net was like
"Mom, guess who I met today "
" I don't know ,how about you tell me you know I hate the guessing game"
" Well mother ,I met James Michaelson, remember him"
His mom was just speechless
" Hows he doing and how did you meet him, is he doing well"
" Mom ,slow down . I don't know how he's doing but I think he's okay, he's company is now doing business with mine mom".

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