Chapter 8

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James House

Net woke up early and decided to make hangover drinks for everyone and also make a light breakfast so they can eat whatever time they wake up.
He was finding it hard to make his way around Jay kitchen since he had never used it before, soon Thomas entered and made he's life way easier since he knew where everything was.
After an hour( it was now 1000hrs) James and the others came downstairs from their rooms.

As soon as James entered the kitchen his eyes landed on Net who looked really sexy in an apron. It seemed liked he was finishing u making breakfast. James made a mental note that Net can cook, which he found to be just amazing, he loved a man who could handle himself I the kitchen since he was kinda bad at everything kitchen.

Net noticed that Jay was staring at him for a while. He (James) was staring while biting his lower lip and Net could help but smirk.

" Good morning everyone, I've just made breakfast and I'm going to leave now I have an appointment at 1200hrs" and Net
" You have work even on Sundays" said James surprised
" No I don't, have you forgotten we're meeting at 1200hrs already" said Net
" Oh yah, how can I forget. Okay , uhmm-, can we make it 1240, I still haven't taken a shower and I don't know what I'm going to wear" said James
" Alright, will meet at restaurant ABC at 1240hrs then." said Net while taking his car keys and asking Yim and Off if they wanted to come with him which they refused.

Net arrived at the hotel room and quickly got ready to meet the love of his life, he hadn't planned on confessing to James yet since they weren't even friends yet but he had thought about doing it a couple of times. He decided for the meet, he was just gonna wear Blue jeans and a plain black tee with a black cap and some Adidas shoes.

James was getting ready in his house too
He decided to also wear blue jeans and a plain black tee and some Nike shoes that had a mini heal to them . He also carried a beautiful white purse from the new JM fashion bag collection and also had some earrings and necklaces just to accessorise himself and lastly he put a faint pink lipstick.

As he was walking down the stairs, he just saw jaws drop and he knew he had accomplished his mission.
" Damn Jimmy , I thought you said this wasn't a date" said Thomas with a smirk
" And it isn't, just picked up whatever I found and put it on" said James
" Okay, whatever you say." Said Thommy
"You look stunning" said Gun, he paused for a minute then was like " I think I'm gonna steal that bag and those shoes" he chuckled
" You don't have to steal them Gunnie, I'll just buy them for you" said James
" I'll hold you to you word" said Gun

Then James left

Gun and Thomas decided they were going to stay in the house till James returns cause they wanted to hear how the date was going to be.

They both arrived at restaurant ABC at the same time and even parked next to each other.

" Hey" said Jay coming out of he's car approaching Net who was now waiting for him
" Hey" said Net back
" Hope you're gonna like this restaurant"
" Hope so too, I've never been here actually" James confessed
" That's good to hear, me neither. So it will be a first for the both of us" Net said and the paused walking for a minute and let James all ahead of him a few steps, James stopped as he noticed he was now walking alone and turned to Net and said
" What happened,why are you just standing there?"
" I'm just admiring this beautiful person Infront of me, you look gorgeous" said James seeing how James outfit just came together,with the black tucked in t- shirt and those jeans that make his waist even smaller just made Net drool even more.
James was now speechless , this man was literally undressing him with his eyes then he gathered himself and said ," thank you, you don't look bad yourself"
Net saw how he made Jay nervous and made up he's mind to confess his feelings after todays lunch.

After the waitress lead to their table ,they ordered drinks while looking at the menu deciding what they were going to eat
A couple of minutes later they decided then ordered the their food came.
While eating James decided to ask Net why exactly he was in town
" Why did you come to the city this time, do you have another convertion or you have new clients"
" Actually I want to open offices in town, that's why I brought Off and Yim to have their opinion too since they are going to be moving with me"
" Wow that great" said Jay with a huge smile but quickly noticed how happy he had gotten the quickly changed his facial expressions back to the semi- serious one he always had on.
"So have you found any offices suitable for you guys, I can help in getting you guys penthouses or apartments, I know a person who can help you find them"
" That's be great Jay, the offices we found are near xxx and we would love to get apartments near the area"
" Okay, I'll make a call, will send you an email later on the available penthouses"

They finally ordered their deserts and Net was like' this is my final chance to confess' in his head

" Uhmm- , Jay there's something I need to tell you. Promise you won't be mad first please"
" Okay I promise "
" I-, I- , I am in love with you" he said stuttering
James was just too stunned to speak so Net continued
" I actually been in love with you since we were kids"
James laughed so hard at that statement,not that it was funny but just how hurt he was ' how dare Net claim that he loved him since childhood after all he didn't he thought then said
" How dare you say such Net, if you loved me back then you wouldn't have been changing girlfriends weekly like you were doing, you would have hurt me like you did Net" Jay tried to hold himself together but he just couldn't,tried automatically rolled down his face.
James was hurt seeing Net cry
" Jay ,please believe me, i love you so much. Back then I was a coward I just couldn't face the feeling I had for you so I just started dating around hoping that maybe the feeling would go away but they never did, it's almost 10 or 11 years later and you still drive me crazy Jay. A day doesn't go by without me thinking about you, please believe me Jay. I beg you"
Net was also in tears now.
" Net I love you too okay, I've been in love with you since back then too and the real reason I left wasn't because of what you said to that girl but because I was in love with you and you were just a player and my heart couldn't take all that" James said still in tears
" I'm sorry baby, I promise I won't hurt you this time. I'll be yours alone. Please be my bf."
"I'm not sure Net"
" Please baby, I promise to treat you right and love you and only you"
" Okay Net, I'm going to give you a month trial, if you fail I'm breaking up with you and if you pass you're going to be my bf"
" Okay I'll take that babe, thank you ,thank you ,thank you"

Luckily the restaurant they had gone too had private rooms to eat or else people would have been staring at them now since they were both in tears.

They left and went to their homes separately....
To be continued

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