Chapter 20

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Net's pov

James and I finally set the date to 2 months from now, both our companies had too much work so we couldn't schedule the wedding sooner.

So today my best friend from college Mia will be coming back from Canada , I'm so excited. I'll be getting her fro the airport in the afternoon and I can't wait for her to meet James this evening. We going to be having dinner the 3 of us. Although James doesn't know yet , he just thinks it's a normal date.

I went about my day at the office and in the afternoon went to fetch Mia, she doesn't know I'm engaged now ,so its a surprise for her too.

I saw her coming of her gate and I waved my hand so she should see me and she waved back. Coming towards me running.

Mia:" Netttttttt!!,I missedddd youuu sooo sooo much", she screamed embracing me

Net:" I missed you too Mia" I say hugging her back
" So where am I taking you from here, hotel or you already have an apartment"

Mia:" I thought I would stay with you till I find an apartment"

Net:" I don't think my fiancee will like that" I say waving my finger in front of her

Mia:" since when are you engaged and why am I only finding out about this now"

Net:" well for starters we didn't keep in contact after you left for Canada and when you finally decided to call, you were telling me to come fetch you from the airport,so had no time to tell you"

Mia:" okay,okay I hear you, so whose the lucky girl huh"

Net:" first it's a he, and his name is James. He's so beautiful, we were friends when we were kids actually and now we're engaged "

Mia:" Net, you literally skipped through the love story ,tell me about it"

Net:" how about you hear it from James when we meet for dinner tonight "

Mia:" that'd be great, I guess I should rest up of I'm going out tonight. Am I really not going to stay with you. It'll be just for a couple of days just until I get an apartment and I don't want to stay in a hotel, please Net"

Net:" okay, if it's only a couple of days then I guess you can stay, let's get out of here"

James Pov

Waking up this morning my fiancee seemed to be in a great mood so early and he's normally grumpy in the mornings. I asked about it and he just brushed me off .
I can't wait for our dinner tonight, Net always plans the best dates ever. I'm meeting my mom for lunch today just the two of us. I'm a little nervous though, what if she changes her mind.

I arrive at my mom house at 1130 and she had set the table for a beautiful brunch .

James:" mom, hie"

Mom:" James ,my baby. How're you"

James:" I'm okay mom and thank you again for coming to my engagement,it wouldn't have been the same without you"

Mom:" you're most welcome love, your fiance told me that you would be very sad if I wasn't part of your happiness and we had a long discussion about it. You have a good one there"

James:" thanks mom, I love him a lot"

Mom:" and he loves you too my baby"

Mom and I had a beautiful lunch  talking about random stuff like we always do and somehow we ended up talking about Earth and mom said she's also trying to fix their relationship but Earth isn't there yet. So she would give him time to process and build a relationship on Earth terms and his time. I found that pretty cool of mom.

I left my mom a little later than I had planned but I must say spending time with her was amazing. It's now 1600hrs and I decided to to go shopping for an outfit I would wear for my date with my fiance tonight. I know I have a lot of clothes but finding an outfit is always a nightmare. That's the number one reason I have so many clothes actually I shop a lot and also I a fashion company so i have too many clothes. I do get rid of them a lot actually but I just find myself with more again.

Anyways after shopping for and hour I finally settle on light brown pants , a white t-shirt and a cream and light brown jacket to go with that and just white snickers to finish the look, obviously a purse is a must, I went for a brown tiny one with a long chain and with that I was ready to go.

I arrived at the restaurant we were going to be having out date at 1830 exactly and I saw Net approaching with some girl who had her hand rapped around my man's arm,like how dare she. Who does she think she is and the worst part is that Net doesn't seem to think this is of concern he just walking there smiling at her. Right now to say I'm angry would be an understatement but I have to play it cool.

James:" babyyy" I say approaching them and and Net  let her go then came and kissed me

Net:" my love, howre you doing. You look hot might I say. Those colors just work for you baby. You look good in anything anyways"

James:"Thank you baby and I'm okay ,just had a long day"

Just as we were having small talk the girl cleared her throat

Net:" oh baby, this is Mia ,.my friend from college. We recently reconnected and she just came back from Canada and Mia ,this is my fiancee James, isn't he the most gorgeous man you've ever seen"

James:" nice to meet you Mia"

Mia" nice to meet you too James,and you're gorgeous like Net said"

James:" Net exaggerates but thank you" I still don't like this girl , something is just off about her

Anyways our dinner went okay ,aside the fact that Net brought a date to our date. She seemed too comfortable around my man for my liking but I just pretended to like her because right I had no reason to even hate her.

As we're were leaving I asked Net

James:" baby, can we sleep at my place tonight, it have a conference room in house and I have to make a call to a client in China today about a business deal"

Net:" unfortunately I can't baby, Mia just arrived in the country and she'll be staying at my place, I can't leave her alone on her first night"

James:" so you're staying together, how come I didn't know about that"

Net:" I was going to tell you, it's just a couple days though"

James:" it's okay ,I trust you love, anyways I'm going to see you tomorrow for lunch then"

I felt a little hurt leaving there knowing that Net kind of chose to stay with that bitch instead of me his fiancee

I got home and went to sleep alone for the first time in months, Net has never let me sleep alone and today I had to. I felt so lonely that I couldn't sleep at all that night.

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