chapter 24

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Net pov

We have been doing wedding some wedding planning and I must say, it's not been fun at all. The first day my baby wanted a destination wedding in Italy and we planned everything and even booked stuff and honestly I was impressed because we were able to pull off wedding planning in a 24 hours but the next day my baby wanted a completely different wedding idea all together and it was in a completely different country, so we booked everything all over again and that other wedding took like 3 days to plan because it was that grand and it was going to be in the Maldives and honestly it was perfect. Now we have 3 days till the wedding and James and I are leaving the country today .

Net:"baby, wake up we have to get going"

James:" i don't want a wedding in the Maldives anymore"

I'm just kept quiet and looked at him clearly pissed

Net:" baby, please tell me you're joking. Everything is already planned and we have like 3 day till we get married and when are we going to have the time to plan another wedding "

James:" I'm sorry love "

Net:" do you even want to marry me"

James:" of course I do. I just want our day to be perfect"

Net:" okay my baby, what kind of wedding do you see is having "

James:" I don't know"

Net:" okay, I'll just plan a surprise wedding for you. You don't have to worry about a thing ,okay"

James:" okay, love. Thank you"

Net:" you're welcome baby, now fo back to sleep I have a wedding to plan"

Okay, so now that my baby doesn't want the wedding we planned I have to come up with a great idea that could best all the others ones. I spent the next two hours brainstorming and finally an idea popped up. I have been building a house for us to live in and I jink it's going and I wanted to surprise him with the house after we come back from our wedding and honeymoon but if we get married there then it'd be even better.

Now I need our friends to help me pull this thing off because I can't do this all on my own and we have to keep it a secret from my baby which will be hard since he's such a detective if he wants to be .

Anyways I call my friends and after discussing for an hour we have a plan in motion and also not forgetting a plan to distract my baby from all out planning. He won't see this coming.

All my baby needs to do is just finalise out wedding suits . I knoe I can't keep him out of that part of planning even if I want to . And also prepare his vows obviously.

3 days later it was our wedding and I must say I'm grateful.for our friends for helping me pull this off.
To say I'm nervous would be an understatement, first I'm nervous cause I'm getting married obviously but also I really hope my baby likes this wedding because if she doesn't will end up having to seel this house because it won't have good memories.

James will be coming to the wedding with his brother, Gun and also his mother and the others will be waiting for us at the house.

James pov

I'm just finishing up getting dressed and Gun is with me.

James:" Gunnie ,please tell me where the wedding will be "

Gun:" Jay, just calm yourself down and enjoy your day ,shop stressing about where the wedding will be"

James:" but I can't help it. I know I left all the wedding planning to Net but I really need to know, I'm so excited and nervous at the same time"

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