Chapter 15

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Couple of weeks later

The news have finally stopped talking about Net and James relationship and they can finally go outside without being chased by reporters. Net's probation month was finally over and he was now James boyfriend and was enjoying every minute of it.

Today James and Net decided to both take a day off from their office and just spend their day in the house together.

James Pov

We were just sitting down watching a movie at the cinema room when Net started kissing my neck and I was loving every second of it.
"Net, uhhhmm- that feels to good"

" baby ,if you keep moaning like that I won't be able to stop myself"

"But you're the one making me moan baby"

Net's hand was now under my t- shirt travelling through my abs, touching every inch until he reached the nipples and then started playing with them then a higher moan came out of my mouth "Net baby aahh'
" you like that my baby"
I didn't say anything but continued moaning then Net said
"Words love or I'll stop"
"I-,I like it so much"

"Baby , I don't think I'll be able to stop myself today"
"No'one asking you to stop Net aaahh"
"Are you sure about this my love"
" Yes love,please I'm all yours"
"Okay baby"
" Please ahh, take it slo- slow because it's actually my first time"
"Thank you so much for giving me your first time baby"
" you don't have to thank me"

Net continued playing with the nipples then he went on to taking off my t-shirt and the short and boxers I was wearing and started kissing my thighs mumbling some stuff and I just lost it when he started giving me a blow job.
"Baby, I'm cuming"
He stopped when i said that and he picked me up from the cinema room and took me to the bedroom and threw me on to of the bed. He took some lube on the side drawer and put some on his fingers then he spread my legs and said
" baby, this might hurt a little since it's your first time"
" okay" it's all I managed to say

He inserted one finger and it hurt so bad
"Baby, please take it out it hurts" I said and Net just didn't listen he just continued going in and out with that one finger " baby ,you're going to start feeling good really soon okay"
Then one finger became two then three, it wasn't all pain I was starting to feel the pleasure now. Net hit my spot and I screamed
"Baby, don't stop aahh-"
Net continued till he heard me say I'm about to cum them stopped again
He took off his fingers then went on to undress himself. When I saw how big he was I became scared because how was that huge thing going to fit it

"Baby why are you scared"
"I don't think it's going to fit in Net"
" it's going too, you'll see"

He took some lube and put it around himself then a bit on my hole and then he asked
"Baby, are you ready"
"Ye-, Yes"
He pushed it in with force and I felt like someone was cutting me in to two . " it hurts so bad Net" I said with tears in my eyes  " it's going to be fine soon okay" he said kissing my tears
He then pushed himself even further in and I screamed even louder. He waited for me to adjust first then asked "baby, can I move now" and I nodded and the he started to slowly move.
It was so painful for the first few minutes but then when the pleasure hit I just wanted more.
" Baby, please go faster" I didn't need to ask twice Net increase his pace but not too much
"Harder please baby please"
He moved faster and harder and I was just screaming his name
"Net, please baby. Don't stop aahh-"
Net was making love to me like there was no tomorrow

" I'm cumming Net love"
"Me too baby"

We both came at the same time me on my stomach and Net inside me
A few minutes later he look himself out of me and I felt a bit of pain

"Thank you so much baby, that was just so amazing"said Net
"Yah, it was"

"Wanna go for another round" said Net with a mischievous smile
"No, baby I'm sore"
"I'd be gentle ,I promise"
" you promise"
" yes baby"
" okay fine"
The moment I agreed Net entered me very harshly and groaned as he started moving
"Baby, you promised to be gentle" it was like I was now talking to myself
A couple of minutes later I was begging him to go even faster which was really funny to me.

After 2 more rounds we fell asleep to wake up at 2030hrs . When I woke up, Net was just staring at me while I slept.
I needed a bath since I was kind of sticky
"Net how long have been awake for, just half an hour"
" oh okay, I'm going to take a bath now " I said trying to get up
" do you need my help going to the bathroom"
" no baby, I'm fine"
I hissed in pain as I sat up ,my ass was on fire
I then put my legs on the ground but as I was trying to stand up I fell because my knees were so weak and Net burst out laughing but stopped when he saw I wasn't
" this is all your fault Net, you should have stopped when I told you to" I said with tears threatening to fall
" I'm sorry baby, you're just so irresistible. Let me go run a bath for you and then I'll come get you okay " he said lifting me from the floor and placing me on the bed
" Before you go, can you hand me my phone I need to order some food ,I'm hungry. What should I order for you"
" whatever you're eating" Net said placing a kiss on my forehead then heading to the bathroom

I took and bath and we had our dinner. I was sending Net around every minute and he was starting to get annoyed and I just pouted and said that I was in so much pain and that was the least he could do. Honestly I was in pain and I knew I was doing too much but it was his fault I was in pain, like how can it even be legal for someone to be that big"


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