Chapter 23

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Net's pov

James was awake for like half an hour just talking to our friends assuring them that he was okay and that they didn't have to worry about him but I could tell that there was nothing fine about him. He just didn't want everyone to worry to much about him.

They soon left too because they could tell that James was not in the mood for company. I just felt bad because I had brought Mia into our lives and now she has messed up mine and my baby's life. I just hope James becomes fine soon. I hate seeing him like this.

Soon as our friends left my baby was just staring into the ceiling saying nothing.

Net:" baby, would you like me to get you anything"

James:" no, I don't need anything,just come hug me to sleep . I only see her face love , when I close my eyes I see her eyes the murderous way she was looking at me. I was scared my love and right now I'm still mentally traumatized and I just want to be in my safe heaven " he said with tears in his eyes and that broke my heart

I didn't have to be told twice. I went to his bed and pulled him into my arms and wiped his tears.

Net:" don't cry my baby, I'm here shhh. I'll always be here for you okay my baby okay. It breaks my heart to see you like this. "I say kissing his forehead

James:" I love you" he said falling asleep

Net:" I love you too"

I don't know what I did to deserve such a gorgeous man like James but I will cherish him forever. I stayed by his side the whole night. He woke up a couple of times because of nightmares but other than that I can say he slept okay.

In the morning the doctor in charge discharged him after he gave me a detailed lecture on how to take care of him and his wound. Now we were in the car heading home.

Net:" baby, I think you should go to therapy just to recover from this traumatic event you just been through"

James:" I don't need therapy my love, I'll be fine in a couple of weeks okay"

Net:" please baby, do it for my sanity at lease . Even if it's just for a week please my love"

James:" okay, just a week though"

Net:" thanks baby" I say kissing his hand while driving

A month later

James pov
It's been a month since I've attending therapy and I must say although I was hesitant at first, It's really paying off. My therapist even said I no longer needed therapy anymore yesterday which was just great news. Anyways Gun and I have been planning mine and Net engagement. I know what you're thinking were already engaged but guys I want to marry Net in a week so that what the proposal will be. Will you marry me in a week.

Net thinks we're going to a friend's surprise engagement not knowing it's his . I can't wait to see the look on his face tonight.

Net:" James baby, don't you think we're overdoing it with these suits . It's not our engagement but someone's else's so I feel too overdressed"

James:" my friend chose outfits for everyone so don't worry about that"

Net:" but I don't think he thought you'd look so hot in that suit"

James:" you always turn everything in to flirting with me " I pouted

Net:" come on baby, don't pout. I won't flirt with you for at least 5 minutes "

James:" fine, will see if you even last a minute"

Net:" don't challenge me baby"

James:" love, let's go or we will be late"

I was driving us to the venue so I pretended to be lost.

Net:" baby, I told you ,I should drive but you said 'no' now look we've passed this sign for like 5 times already"

James:" I'm sorry my love"

Net:" you didn't even want to use the gps"

James:" I thought I knew the way" I said softly

Net:" Now we're late, at this point we should just go back home"

James:" Gun said we can still make it, we will just enter through the back door"

We arrived at the place and I must say net was really upset with me. He hates being late for anything and everything.

Net:" baby, why is it dark in this place. Please tell me we're not in the wrong place" he said a little annoyed

James:" love, I told you it was a surprise engagement,they probably already turned off the lights waiting for the couple to come. Let's go enter through the back door so we won't ruin the surprise"

Just then my phone rang on cue , Gun was suppose to call me so Net can enter the restaurant alone"

James:" love, can you go ahead, j really need to take this call"
I knew he was going to agree to go in alone since we were already so late.

As Net went to the back to use the back entrance . I went through the front and stood in my position, carrying a huge barner written ' Will you marry me next week my love' . We had decorated the barner and everything in the place back and gold which were Net's too five when it came to favorite colors.

Everything looked perfect if you ask me but it's not aiming to impress me but the grumpy love of my life.

Net's pov
I entered the place and all I could see was darkness, I was now starting to get nervous because my baby won't see where I'm standing in this dark room and I can't see or here anyone. Am i even in the right place. As I was about to walk out of the room to go look for my baby, well I know I've given him a hard time tonight and he must feel bad but he knows I hate being late but I feel like I have to apologize he didn't mean to get lost, I saw a spotlight and my baby was standing there carrying this beautiful barner written ' Will you marry me next week ' and he was smiling cutely at me . I just ran towards him and kissed him then answered

Net:" of course I'll marry you my love"

James:" HE SAID YES" he shouted and I could hear clapping and then the lights turned back on and I saw our family and friends there

Net:" so the surprise was for me. You do know you could've just asked me over coffe and I'd have agreed but I'm glad you went through the trouble"

James:" just that we've gone through quite a bit these past few weeks so I just wanted to celebrate before our wedding that we're getting married"

Net:" I love you my baby and I'm sorry I got so mad at you when we got lost today"

James:" I took the risk of faking lost knowing you were going to be mad and I love you too"

Net:" we getting married in a week everyone " I say excitedly

I can't believe my baby did all this and that too for me . I'm happy he chose to spend the rest of his life with me . This party was just amazing. We had our friends and family who card and wanted what was best for us and we couldn't be happier really.
We had a great time at our party that night. Now we just have to plan this wedding in a week might I add. This is going to be a nightmare I tell you.


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