Chapter 3

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James POV

Yesterday had been a hectic day for him having all those revelations about his assistant and also having to find another supplier in such a short notice. He felt really happy to have such a team standing by his side, all of them had pulled through for him and did an exceptional job. Now everything was now left to him, be had to convince their soon supplier to make the company so much fabric and that too in a short span of time.

Thomas had told him that the new possible suppliers names was Net Adams and was 27 years. His heart skipped a bit when Tommy said the name was 'Net ' but then he said the surname was 'Adams' he breathed out a breathe he didn't know he was holding. 'the Net he knew ,his childhood best friend was Net Miller' James thought

James had been prepping for the meeting all night, researching more about the company, getting to know their goals seeing if they align with their company,( every small detail mattered to James, he was really careful of the companies he did business with). James finally feel asleep at 4am and was planning in waking up early to make sure he had everything ready for this meeting. He was going to attend this meeting himself instead of the other managers in the company because he felt it was really important for the other company to see how serious the matter was.

Mr Net Adams had agreed t meet at James company since he was already near the place for a conference that week

James woke up early and did his morning routine and then left his penthouse to go to the office to make sure that everything was in order before Net came.

Net's POV

Net had been anxious since Yim told him about James company. To a little extent he was excited but mostly very nervous, be wondered how James was going to react when he sees him and how that whole meeting was going to go.

He could even sleep properly, all he could think about was James and how he might have changed throughout the years or if he was the same bubbly and shy person he had known.

He woke up early in the morning although the meeting was going to be at 1100hrs. He was ready by 6am. He just couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to meet James but he had to wait.

By 1030, he's driver was downstairs in the hotel lobby waiting to take him to James company and he then left.

Nobody's POV
At James company

Nine of the other employees had any idea of the crisis the company was under since James didn't want to cause panic and uncertainty in the office.

As soon as Net arrived James was informed and Net was taken to the conference room where the meeting was going to take place

As much as James was nervous about the meeting he out on a brave face and left he's office and as he was about to enter the conference room, he took a deep breathe....

James POV

As I entered the room ,there he was sitting there with a smile on his face talking to his assistant who was next to him.
All the courage I had gathered went through the window ,I felt tears threatening to fall but I didn't want to look weak in front of anyone, especially not him
I quickly excused myself
"excuse me everyone, I have an agent message to respond to before we begin this meeting,give a a minute will you..."
"Sure Mr Michaelson "

Net's POV

As soon as he entered the conference room, he excused himself and I'm pretty sure it was all my fault. I must say he looked stunning, he was just perfect.

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