Chapter 4

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Thomas POV

'I wonder what happened to James ,as soon as he entered the conference room he went out ,I will ask him about this but later after this whole meeting wraps up' he thought

James' POV

I went to my office to gather my thoughts then I quickly went back to the conference room even more confident than I was before.
"Sorry about the gentleman, running such a big business is no child's play" I said with a mini smile on my face
They all just nodded
"Shall we begin to discuss about what brought us all here today" I say

" Before we can even start to talk about a lot things I have one question for you Mr Net, can your company deliver xxx much of fabric by next week Saturday. If not then there is no need for this meeting to carry on , we going to need to find a new supplier."

Net took a breathe and thought about it for a second then said, " let me make a phone call to my team and check how much fabric we have in storage now."

"No problem" said James
Net quickly excused himself to make the phone call, be knew the answer already but just wanted to confirm with his team.
He called Off Bishop, he's very close friend and CFO.
"Hey Off"
" Hey man"
" Do you think we can deliver xxx fabric to James company by Saturday,how much fabric do we have in storage" asked Net
" We have enough but after the delivery to that company we would've completely wiped out all our backup fabric we have for emergencies with our clients" said Off
" Okay, thanks man. Let me negotiate us a good deal with the company owner then"

Net then went back inside and told James ,they could deliver the all the fabrics the needed on time then they were now discussing finances. They didn't take much time on that cause the number James was offering to pay was just a little bit over the fabrics market value so it was a fair deal since they were making a last minute order anyways.

Net and he's assistant left soon after the meeting and James was finally able to breathe then.
He started to wonder how Net had been all these years ,did he miss him as much as he missed him, did he think about him even for the slightest bit.

James was brought out of his mind by he's phone ringing, it was his brother Earth who was calling.
"Hey little broe"
"Hie big broe"
"What you up to, care to join your brother for lunch today" asked Earth
"Sure broe, just come pick me up, I don't wanna drive especially after the day I've had" said James
"I'm sure I'm gonna head all about it by the end of our lunch" said Earth
"Yeah, can't wait to offload all this shot on you" said James

Earth told he's assistant Mix where he was going and just like that was off to meet he's brother and catch up, it had been a while since the brothers had spent time together since they were both busy with their companies.

Sorry for the late update guys, been sick these past few weeks but I'm going to update non stop for the nest 3 days, maybe 5 or 6 chapters just to make up for my absence

Hope u're liking the book

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