Chapter 7

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James Pov

When James got home he had mixed feelings about his conversation with Net. He was still in love with Net so he didn't want to be stuck in the friend zone again but on the other hand he didn't want Net out of his life again.
As he was thinking a text came in his phone

*Hope you arrived home safe*
* Its Net by the way*
       James smiled then replied
*I arrived safe, thanks for asking*
*Have a great nyt* texted Net
*You too* said James

James and Net texted each other everyday for months that followed. They were just random stuff like how're you, hope you had a great day.

6 months later

James POV

He woke up early in the morning because he had a meeting with he's brother about updating the security system of his office and since he's brother deals with tech,he decided to ask for his help.

As he was getting ready he got a message from Net

*Good morning Jay*
*Morning Net,hope you had a great night*
*Yah I did and you*
* Was great too*
*By the way, I'm coming that side next week. I was wondering if it was possible to meet up*
* Sure we can, just tell me the times when u'll be free and I'll check my schedule*
* Okay then ,have a great day*
* You too Net*

For some reason James felt super nervous and excited at the same time,Net was coming and they were gonna meet up. Of course they had been talking for months but meeting in person was just going to be a whole different experience.

After getting ready Net went to meet he's brother to discuss the security update over breakfast.

After meeting up with his brother, he went to the office and was welcomed by Thomas and Gun smiling at him
" Hey James" said Gun
"Hie" James greeted back
" So what brings you to my office this morning,I don't think we have a meeting or anything do we?"
" No we don't , we came to invite you to go clubbing next Weekend. Saturday to be exact"said Thomas
" You guys know i hate clubs" said James
"Pliz James let's go, we haven't hung out as friends in a long time, please,please please..."said Gun
" Okay fine" James said yes because he knew Gun wasn't gonna stop till he agreed.

Saturday night

James and Net had agreed to meet on Sunday the day and James had said they should meet at 1200hrs. He had taken into consideration that he was going clubbing the previous night and he might wake up with a hungover so he knew he would need some time to be okay before meeting Net.

It was 5pm and James was just getting ready to go , he decided he was just gonna Uber to the club and leave the car in his mansion.
Around 1830 ,he was done and he's closet was a mess since he kept on putting on and taking off clothes.
When he arrived he's friends Thomas, Gun and Mix had already arrived and had a table ready for them.
Earth also joined them a while later.

Before Earth came

" So Mix has my brother made a move yet or his still scared" said James with a smirk on his face
"No ,he hasn't made any move. I'm even questioning if he likes me" said Mix sulking

Earth reached their table and Mix was still sulking and he's face immediately changed cause he was now thinking what had happened to make Mix sad
" So who in this table made Mix unhappy" he said with a stern authoritative voice
" Well brother ,it was none other than you" said James
" Wait what, what did I do,I just got here. Was it something I did in the office" he said looking concerned
" You haven't confessed yet and he's starting to think you don't like hime anymore" James whispered to his broe
Earth was just too stunned to speak
He quickly excused himself while dragging Mix with him to his car. He drove them to his apartment and all this while Mix was still quiet.
Once they were inside
Earth just pulled Mix into his embrace and just kissed him
Mix was a little surprised at first but then he automatically kissed Earth back. After a couple of minutes of them kissing. Mix pushed Earth away and the folded his arms and looked away trying to catch his breathe and also he was gonna try to walk to the couch to sit down because his knees where now weak.

Earth cleared his throat then began to speak
" Mix I like you, no actually I love you, I've loved you for years and at first I didn't confess because you were my brother's friend but the James gave me his blessing then I was now scared of being rejected you. And I'm sorry I just kissed you right now without your consent right now I just couldn't hold myself back anymore." He said all this in one breathe
And he still hadn't started breathing
Mix looked at him and was like " breathe Earth" before continuing to say " Earth I love you too"
Tears were now rolling out of Earth eyes, he just couldn't believe it, Mix lives him too.
They hugged each other for the longest of times then Earth went in his knees and was like
" Mix Roberts, could you give me the honour of being you boyfriend. I promise to love you and only you unconditionally."
Mix was now also in tears "Yes you can be my boyfriend"

Meanwhile at the club

As James , Gun and Thomas were just finishing their drink. Three guys entered that caught the attention of almost everyone as they turned to see who it was , they saw Net ,Yim and some other guy. Thomas decided to lift his hand causing the other guys to turn and come to their table
They greeted then I introduced the third guy they were with as Off.
Since their table was big enough, the all got to sit and drink together.

A couple of hours later James, Yim as Gun were just too drunk, they couldn't even walk
So Net took care of James, while Thomas took care of Yim and that left Off to look after Gun
Thomas decided that all the guys were going to go stay the night in James mansion since that where that were going to go anyways after drinking.

To be continued....

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