Chapter 16

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James Pov

I had a talk with my mother yesterday and she said she'd like to meet Net and I for lunch because she didn't like the way things had ended the last time we visited her so I agreed to meet her.

I arrived at the place of the meeting and my mother was sitting there with this other girl who I didn't know.

" hie mom" I say
"Hie James dear, how're you"
"I'm good mom and yourself"
"I'm okay"
" mom, who is she I thought we were going to be meeting you alone"
" actually James ,this is my friend's daughter and she likes you and wanted to meet you"
" mom you know I'm in a relationship "
" I know but meeting her won't hurt, I'm going to the bathroom kids behave" said James mom

As soon mom left that girl started to throw herself at me and I tried to stop her then all of a sudden she kissed me and I just froze then I heard Net call my name
" James, whats the meaning of this " he was livid and I could see I wasn't going to be getting out of this one easy
" Net baby, I can explain"
" explain what exactly James"
" baby, listen I was about to push her away I promise"
As I was explaining Net just walked away I tried running after him but he drove off the moment I reached his car

I tried calling but it went to voicemail, I called his friends Off
" do you know where Net is"
" no, I haven't talked to him since yesterday"
'please Off I need to find him, he's not answering my calls"
" did you guys have a fight"
" more like a misunderstanding "
"Please if you find him call me I'm worried"

Net's pov

When I got to the restaurant I saw that girl kissing the love of my life and I just scolded him and left just like that without hearing his explanation.
I was very angry at that moment needed to get away before I did or said something I was going to regret the next minute.

I know is probably worried but then again how does he explain kissing another girl when he's with me. I thought he lived me ,why would he do this to James can never cheat, I'm sure there a valid explanation for all that took place today
I was thinking all this while crying

I decided to retreat in beach that only a few people know about . I just wanted time to think before going back to the harsh reality that me and the love of my life might actually part ways . I wasn't ready for that, I wasn't ready to leave him yet.

I called Off told him I was fine and needed time to think and that he should take care of the business till then .

A week later I went back to reality and went to James' house to break up with him because I couldn't be together with someone who cheats on me but what I found there shook me.

As soon as I entered Gun walked towards me fuming
"Where have you been asshole"
" I needed some time to think, where is James"
" like you care"
" of course I care, where is he Gun"
" in his room"

When we got to the room I saw my James sleeping there with 2 or 3 drips attached to him
" Gun, what happened here"
" well Net, you left right and he was stressing so much . He didn't eat or drink anything for all these days that why he's like this "
" why didn't you force him to eat Gun"
" you think I didn't try that ,he said he will eat after explaining everything to you. I tried the tricks but he would. He wasn't even sleeping Net and you were having a nice time"
" I was broken too Gun okay"
" James will explain everything once the drugs wear off . I just don't think I can explain anything to you now."

After one whole day  James finally woke up and Net fed him some food in silence then James just started to cry
" I promise I didn't cheat Net, " he just repeated that sentence over and over again in Net's arms until he fell asleep"

He woke up again after two hours in Net's arms

" Baby, tell me what all happened that day"
James narrated everything and Net was too stunned speak.
" Baby, I'm sorry I didn't trust you, I'm sorry for leaving without giving you a chance to explain,can you give me another chance I promise I'd be a better lover this time. I got jealous seeing you with that girl like that and I decided to leave rather than listen  and for that I apologize my love. I will try to control my jealousy and everything else

"I'll give a chance but I will definitely punish you for just leaving me like that"

"What's the punishment, I'm ready baby. I'll do whatever you want "

" you aren't allowed to touch me for a whole month"
"Baby please, a month is way too long "
"Okay then Net, do you want it to be 2 months"
" a month is okay baby"

That month James was wearing the most sexiest and revealing of outfits just to make his Net suffer even more than he was suffering. James apologized everyday and James just wasn't having any of it, he said Net needed to learn his lesson.

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