Chapter 27

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Amely's POV

"Well... Am, that means–" Mor Stops, and her eyes widen, "Oh...Wait I forgot that Cassian and Azriel will probably take a day to fly to the other courts,", "What? and You remember it now?" Mor Put her hands on my shoulder, "Yeah...Am...I'm so sorry, but I have to go, Im sorry—" Mor Winnowed away...

She disappeared ... I will never know what she means by something snaps... "Okay, what should I do Now..." I walked outside the kitchen, walk through the hallway, and stopped in front of The library, "Wait.. how did I get here?"

You have to find me... Meet me... Enter the library...and Find me...

"Who said that?" The door to the Library opened by itself and I jolted, "Is Nesta Angry or something,"

Find Me...Enter the library...

"Okay, Okay... I will," The voice was scary and it gave me a chill running down my spine... so I entered the library, It was Normal when I entered, no scary voices or anything... But... I have to face Nesta... I hope that she didn't hist like the last time... I walk to the place where I and Azriel found a book about RibbonAlive...

And it's near the giant hole, Oh... how I miss screaming to make an echo... So I walk to the hole and scream, "HELLO...." HELLo....HEllo...Hello... Oh boy, That was scary... "What do you think you're doing here?" a voice speaks from my back, I turn around To see Nesta sitting on an armchair reading her book.

"Oh...Hey Nesta... I didn't see you there," She raised her eyebrow, "So you're done crying and then come here," her eyes focus on me like an eagle with her prey, I swallowed, "I was–"

Ignored Her...and find me...

"Yes, I Mean No, Im here Only to go down there, not for you Nesta,", "Fine, Do anything you want, I don't care," Nesta continued reading her book, Well, that was easy, and now, to find the one who is talking through My head, I have to go down there... I hope there is no Funny business or a prank...

As I stood there, face to face with the deep hole in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The hole seemed to go on forever, and I couldn't see the bottom no matter how hard I peered into it. I wondered what could be down there, lurking in the darkness.

"Good luck," Nesta coldly said, then I looked back at her and swallowed and looked back at the hole, Well, I miss adventuring into mysterious places, I guess Here we go?

I gather all my courage as I walked down the hole, I couldn't help but feel a sense of scared or excitement. "Well, this is the first time I walk down, Not, fallen down a hole," The steps seemed to go on forever and The stairs spiraled down into the darkness below.

I could hear my footsteps echoing off the walls, creating an eerie and haunting atmosphere. Despite my initial apprehension, I found myself drawn further and further down, eager to discover what lay at the bottom of the staircase.

As I descended, my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light, and I began to make out strange and unfamiliar shapes in the shadows. With each step, I felt my heart race faster, both from fear and from the thrill of the unknown. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped out into a vast and mysterious underground hallway.

"Whoa...I can't believe I walk down here... What thing or creature scared Cassian off?" I walk as it seems like an endless darkness without any light, Why I'm so dumb...The first thing you do when you go down in a dark hole brings a torch light...

Your...Not dumb...

There it is.... the voice, but it was a monstrous voice, not the one I heard minutes ago, it sent shivers down my spine. The voice was deep, guttural, and filled with an unmistakable sense of danger. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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