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Kharis is sitting on her bed trying her best to follow the rules the embroider had given her a few days ago. She has been learning embroidery for the past few weeks, as her trying to read and stay engrossed in her books has not been helping. Embroidery, on the other hand, has been doing its job taking the woman's worries off of her husband, and her friends.

Leonidas had assured her that her friends were well when he first found her, but after he left for Nyland, they have not been able to communicate for fear of their messenger pigeon being intercepted.

Kharis even considered using the lar raven but decided against it. Such things should be used for pressing needs, and the desire to satisfy her conscience that her friends are well despite her husband already telling her, is certainly not a dire need.

Gisella bursts through the door, causing Kharis to look up at once. The pregnant woman studies her face carefully before dropping what she's doing.

"He's back?" she asks, lighting up. A smile comes to Gisella's face as she nods.

Kharis stands immediately rushing to the door but pauses when she notices that Gisella's smile does not meet her face.

Kharis furrows her eyebrows, shaking her head, "He's hurt?" or worse, they returned him dead?

"Gisella what is the matter?" Kharis demands, trying her best to not think of the worst.

A tear escapes Gigi's eyes as she looks at the ground before looking back up at her sister, "Esme..."

Kharis feels her heart drop immediately.

Leonidas is with Princess Freya and Isaac in a separate room. The supreme commander looks at the princess.

"We've played our part."

The princess returns Leonidas' glance before looking over at Isaac. She nods to them, 

"Thank you."

"That is unnecessary. All we need is for you to hold your end of the bargain," Isaac says. His eyes are empty.

Freya watches him carefully as she replies, "I will, and I am sorry for your loss."

The wearh says nothing, his countenance unchanging though he's confused as to how this elf knows.
Freya turns back to Leonidas, "Tonight, all will be complete. Leave Garvania to me." 

With that, she walks out of the room, leaving the two warriors standing there.

The door to Kharis' chambers opens, making the woman snap her head in its direction. Leonidas furrows his eyebrows when he sees his wife's eyes red and swollen, her face a crying mess.

"Kieran," she whispers, more tears leaving and flowing down her cheeks.

The wearh finally understands as he meets her on the bed, engulfing her in a hug. The woman holds him tight, crying even harder.

"I don't understand," she says.


"Princess Freya told me she was fine..."

"Your friend did it to help you."

"No!!" she cries, pushing away from Leonidas and hitting her thighs repeatedly, begging the pain to give her consolation.

The wearh grabs her hands, placing them on himself, as the woman's mental breakdown is not letting up, her hands are uncontrollably hitting him as she cries even harder.

This is her fault. All she wanted was to stop the war, to stop the bloodshed. If she knew it would come with the price of her friend she would have never pushed Leonidas into this. She wishes she never came across those books, she wishes she didn't enjoy reading, in fact now more than ever, she wishes she didn't learn how to read.

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