Chapter one Ruby POV:

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Bristol Cove ,a small fishing town in Washington

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Bristol Cove ,a small fishing town in Washington.  After being in L.A. for movies, interviews and everything that comes with fame, I decided to take a break. I always have to take some time off in between work to just breathe and focus on myself.  I read online about a nonprofit Marine Research Center that was looking for volunteers. I always love being around nature and it's animals but I loved the ocean and of course that includes it's animals. So I signed up and shortly I got a call from them saying they approved my application would be delighted to have me. I would be gone for a few months so I had arranged for one of my friends to watch my dogs as I was gone.

I have now been here a week , familiarizing myself with the town so I would know where everything like it's stores and supermarket was. I had also arrived during some type of festival so the streets was full of tourists and locals. The funny part was that it was a themed festival called Mermaid's day. I couldn't help but smile at that as it was centered on mermaids. On the welcome sign that welcomes you to town, they literally described it as the Mermaid capital of the world.

I walked around watching as people sold mermaid merchandise and had games like dunk the mermaid as people was dressed up as mermaids. I watched on a stage as a bunch of kids put on a play about one of the town's oldest families. About someone named Charles H Pownall. How he fell in love with a mermaid and her siren song, only for the mermaid to return to the ocean one day and never return, making it turn into a tragic love story.

These types of stories usually turn out bad anyway don't they? The only mermaid who ever had a happy ending was the little mermaid Ariel, and she's made up. There's no living record of mermaids ever being recorded in human history, so these were just stories, fable folk tales. At least the kids were cute in their outfits. I thought smiling amused before I turned and walked away.

I had just came from the store so I could make myself something to eat and it started pouring by time I left the store. I just hoped no animal decided to run out in the middle of the road. I turned on the windshield wipers as I peered at the road trying it see through all the water. I looked down only for a few seconds to turn the station on the radio, when I looked up, I had to stomp on the breaks, causing the car to screech to a halt.

"Oh god." I said,my heart hammering in chest.

There in the middle of the road was a woman soaking wet in the rain. Not only was she wet but stark naked and covered in dirt marks. I looked over to the nearby woods, where she must have stumbled out of. She looked at me for another minute before she turned and staggered off and I opened my door and called out to her.

"Hey wait! Are you okay?" She looked back at me as she continued walking, her face scared but also cautious before she turned back around.

"Wait!" I called as I got out the car and started walking behind her. I could barely see as the rain blinded me but I continued after her. A woman stark naked and staggering on her feet isn't something you just see everyday. Something must have happened to her.

"Do you need help?" I called out to her again by now my clothes were soaked like her.

She ignored me but all of a sudden stopped and wobbled before she collapsed to the ground. I ran up to her and bent down checking her pulse. She was still alive thankfully. I took off my jacket, and put it on her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to her feet. I grunted as I supported her whole weight on my shoulders and opened the back door and laid her on the backseat. I quickly climbed in the front and grabbed my phone , searching for the nearest hospital.

"Damn." I said putting my phone down. The nearest hospital was 30 minutes away in Port Angeles. I tapped on the steering wheel ,debating what I should do. I started the car deciding to take her back to my house. When we got there, it had stopped raining and I pulled her inside and laid her on my couch. I then went into the bedroom and found a T-shirt and some jogging pants for her.They would be a little long on her but that was the best I could do. I quickly dressed her in the warm clothes, trying not to stare at her body as I did. I checked her over for any injuries but saw none, So at least she wasn't physically hurt. I found a local doctor number before going to get my food out the car ,then change my own wet clothes. When I was done I sat down and sighed ,looking at her. I wondered who she was, she had no ID or anything and I wondered if she's been sexually assaulted. I got up and got some water and sat it on the table, figuring she'd probably be thirsty when she woke up. I sat down and was about to reach for the remote to turn the TV on, when I saw her eyes flutter open. She quickly sat up looking around before she looked down at the clothes she had  on and touched them.

"Sorry that was the only clothes I had that you could fit, but it'll keep you warm." I replied and she looked up with wide eyes, shocked. Really clear ,wide, blue eyes. More blue than mine was. "Are you okay? Where you running from someone? Did someone hurt you?" I asked trying to figure out what the situation was but she continued to stare at me silently.

I sat my cup on the table and slid the other cup closer to her. "Here I got you some water in case you was thirsty." I say smiling gently. She stared at me for another minute before looking down at the cup and she reached for it and sniffed it cautiously. "Its clean I promise. I'm not going to hurt you." I say in a soft tone. She seemed to have believed me that time as she took a few sips before pulling it away and looking into the cup with a curious look before sitting it back down on the table.

"You can have more if you want." I encouraged her but she started looking around the room. I got up from my seat and went and sat next to her on the couch. She quickly turned and looked at me, and I held my hand up, trying to calm her. "Can you speak? Do you remember what happened to you?" I asked gently but she just continued to stare.

I sighed and looked away. I wasn't getting anywhere with this, she must be really traumatized. While I was distracted ,I felt her weight shift on the couch and I looked over to see her looking down at my arm.

"Oh do you like my tattoos. They're nice huh?" I say smiling at her. She lifted my arm up examining it from every angle. It was a weird reaction and I couldn't help but laugh. "Not many people have tattoos like me, especially women." I say grinning. At hearing me speak, she looked up at me with wide innocent ,blue looking eyes, pink full lips and long black hair.

I was about to say something else when she reached up and touched my cheek. The moment she did that, the weirdest feeling came over me like she was familiar to me but I know for sure I've never met her before. I continued to stare into her eyes, not fully understanding what was happening but all I knew was I felt drawn to her.  We both jumped when there was a knock at the door.

I blinked trying to clear whatever this was from my brain. "Uh I'll be right back." I say getting up and going to the door. An older man in his mid 30s was standing there holding a black leather bag.

"Hello I'm doctor Abbot. You called about someone passed out in the road."

"Yeah she's right here in the living room. I think she might be in shock or something." I say to the doctor leading  him inside only to stop  in shock. It was completely empty. I took a few steps, looking around when I felt a wind blow through the window. A window that was closed before I got up to open the door. I went up to the window and peered outside but saw nothing. She was gone without a trace. I looked back at the doctor.

"She was just here."

"Seems she just didn't want to be seen."

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