Chapter twenty two Ruby pov:

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It's been two and a half weeks since Seiya left, and even though it wasn't as long as the last time, I felt it more this time. Probably because I realized that I loved her and then I literally made love to her before she left. Twice.

Here I was at the research center, feeding the Sea Lions. I was missing her and staring at the water hoping to see a sign of her, but I know that she was safe with the rest of them. I know that she said we'll always be connected by our heart, or maybe by our blood but that didn't stop me from wanting to be with her.

I would say that making love to her those last two nights was a mistake but I don't regret it. I don't regret meeting her or loving her, I just missed her. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my cell phone ring and I put it to my ear.

"Yeah I'm on my way." I say leaving the dock and got in my car. I knocked on Ben's door a few minutes later and he opened the door to let me in. "You guys okay? You sounded weird on the phone." I say looking at them both.

"It's nothing really. We just wanted to see you." Maddie said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Maddie you see me everyday at work." I say to her.

"Yeah but you don't say much to us." Ben said and I looked away.

"I know I'm just......."

"Trying to deal with her being gone." Maddie said and I sighed and nodded.


"That's why we called. We been having a hard time too. I miss her so much." Maddie said and I looked at her, hearing the pain in her voice.

"But you don't have to be alone. We're all in this together." Ben said.

"We're going to listen to her song." Maddie said and I looked at both of them and frowned.

"Her siren song? Isn't that dangerous? Especially for you Ben." I say looking at him last.

"It's not like hearing it directly from her. It's not as strong but it takes the edge off for me." He explained.

"For me too. I think just hearing her voice will help us miss her a little less. So we called you over here to see if you wanted to listen with us." Maddie said and I thought about it before I nodded.

"Okay. I'll try it. I just miss her a lot." I admitted, looking down and Maddie hugged me.

"I know exactly how you feel." she told me and I hugged her back

"We both do." Ben said and hugged both of us.

Maddie pulled away and took my hand as the three of us went to the bed. I kicked off my shoes and sat on one side of the bed and Ben was on the other side as she opened his labtop and a moment later, we heard it. A wordless song that sounded like nothing you've ever heard before. It was ethereal and harmonious. So this was her siren song? No wonder it's dangerous. I felt like I would be powerless to it too and I'm a hybrid.

Maddie was holding Both of our hands and she laid her head against my shoulder with her eyes closed. I laid my head against hers as I listened to the song and closed my eyes. I did feel a little better now that I heard this song, or maybe it was because I realized that I wasn't alone in this.

Seiya pov:

I opened the door to Helen's shop and she looked up at me and smiled.
"Seiya! I didn't think you would return." She said,hugging me. I held up the necklace for her to see.

"He gave this to you?" She asked and I looked down for a second.

"In the water, others in danger. He save them but.....he die." I tell her and she looked sad,like she was gonna cry. I wrapped my hand around hers and hugged her. I would miss him too.

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