Chapter Seven Seiya pov:

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I walked around Helen's place silent and stared outside at the humans walking around. "Where did you go last night?" I heard Helen's voice and I turned to her as she looked at me.

"Night." I said and she nodded.

"Yes. Where did you go?" She asked but I ignored her and picked up a book and looked at it and hissed before sitting it back down. To much waiting. I wanted to find my sister.


Ben, Maddie and Ruby came over while I was impatiently messing with stuff. I watched them suspiciously as they talked to Helen and glanced at me.

Ruby pov:

"She's restless as hell. She went out last night. God knows where." Helen told us. We looked at her as she was flicking a lamp on and off.

"We need to ask her some questions." Ben said.

"They found a body." Maddie then replied.

"Where?" Helen asked.

"Outside of town in a car." Maddie answered as Ben got a text and told us that Xander and his other friend Calvin found a lead on their missing friend ,who was taken the same time the mermaid was taken, right before he got a call from them. Apparently the military took him.

"The military?! How do they know about this?" Helen asked in an almost outraged voice.

"I think they were the ones who took her sister maybe." I replied and Helen looked at me.

"How do you know for sure ?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I dont but it makes sense.The navy took a mermaid off the boat. Maybe they took him because he saw Something he wasn't supposed to." I say and Maddie looked at me shocked before looking at Helen. Ben got off the phone and told us that  they were gonna track the number that their friend had managed to call them from.
Seiya must have gotten impatient of watching us talk because she came over to us.

"Sister. Now we look." She said, about to head for the door but Ben stopped her.

"Seiya. Stop please. We have to  ask you some questions." Ben said.

"When you first came here, did you get in a car with a man?" Maddie asked and Seiya exhaled looking frustrated.  "A car?" Maddie tried again gesturing with her hands of a steering wheel. "A man in a car?"

"We go!" Seiya said pushing her way through them.

Maddie grabbed Seiya's shoulder as she spoke. "Seiya this is important." She said but the Mermaid grabbed Maddie's wrist.

"Seiya  no!" Helen called out but it was to late. I watched in shock as she threw Maddie over her shoulder, where she went flying and crashed into the table before falling to the ground. Ben and me both ran over to her ,asking if she was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said rubbing her shoulder. We both put our arm around her trying to help her sit up.

"Seiya you can't hurt people. You're stronger than us. Very strong." Ben told her and Seiya stared at us before turning away. Helen came over and pulled Maddie to her feet. She looked at the three of us as she spoke.

"You don't know what you're dealing with." She said walking away as the three of us looked at each other. Maybe she was right. We had no idea what we're dealing with.

We helped move Maddie over to the couch and I stared at Seiya , while Ben asked Maddie if she was okay again. Seiya paced back and forth, her gaze meeting mine briefly every time before she looked away.

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