Chapter thirty seven Ruby pov:

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We rushed into the emergency room carrying Xander , were they quickly put him on a bed and we explained what happened. They told us to wait in the ER While they ran some test, and they would call us back there when they had results. The four of us looked on as the doors closed and I wondered if we were thinking the same thing. Tia.


(In the ocean)

Two merman swam on either side of two little mermaids. One with blonde hair, the other black. The four of them stopped when they saw an eel staring at them. The two merman stayed back as the two girls swam up to the creature and it hissed at them and they stabbed it with their own smaller spears, as they poked and jabbed at the Eel until blood filled the water and the animal floated towards the sea floor. Dead. The two merman looked at each other and raised their hands up. They are ready. They both said together.

Ruby pov:

The doctor immediately started talking to us when they called us into the room they put Xander in.

"Here's what we know so far. We ruled out stroke, pulmonary Embolism and heart attack. We did a cranial CT scan with contrast." He said putting up a picture of his brain. "His brain is in a degenerative state. You guys said there weren't any symptoms prior to the collapse?" He said looking at the four of us and I shook my head.

"No." Ben and Maddie both replied.

"Any unusual activities recently?"

"He helped with my sister's body." Seiya replied and the doctor looked at her confused.

"There was a funeral. It's been hard." Ben said and the doctor nodded.

"Stress can be a factor. I'll run some more tests and keep you posted." The doctor said and Ben thanked him before leaving.

"His brain looks like Deckers. Worse than Deckers." Maddie said looking at me and Ben as I nodded.

"His phone. It happened right after he picked up." Ben said.

"Did you hear anything?" I asked him.

"No but it's still got to be connected. This is damage from the song." Ben mused.

"Tia. She played it though the phone." Seiya said looking at us.

"His phone let me check." Maddie said grabbing the bag with his things. She pulled out his phone and looked at it.

"Here's his call history. He got an unknown call at 8:27 pm." She said showing us the phone as I stepped closer for a better look.

"I got a call from the same number at 8:27." Ben said looking at his phone.

"Me too. Exact same time." Maddie said looking at hers and they both looked at me. I pulled out my phone to see I did have a missed call from the same number.

"I did too." I tell them showing my screen. Now I'm on a killer mermaid's hit list. Great. Just when I thought I couldn't be more surprised.

"She was trying to take us all out at once. She only got through to Xander." Ben said.

"She's not gonna stop here." Maddie said and we looked at each other. "This was her plan all along. She already destroyed the echo chamber recording. There's no antidote. No way to help. We can't even talk to the doctors." Ben said pacing back and forth as he thought.

"They would never believe us." Maddie replied.

"Well there's got to be something. Something we're missing or haven't figured out yet." I say.

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