How Could You

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We arrive at the place it was in the middle of nowhere all you could see were trees and nothing else no building or no store it was creepy. At least it wasn't another alley.

"I want you to stay close to me," Tom said. I looked at him and nodded "Okay let's go" He said. We both got out of the car and saw Bill, Gustav, and Goerg come out the girls were also next to them. I felt Tom grab my waist and pull me closer to him whispering In my ear. "We're gonna have a talk with some other gangs and I want you to be calm don't talk to anyone understand?" Tom said. I nodded he looked at me and looked back forward. He started walking toward a small building and about 10 guys were standing there. Once they spotted Tom they instantly stood up straight.

"You brought your pet at a bad timing, Tom," A guy said. I looked back at Tom what did he mean bad timing?

"Mind your business, Antonio" Tom said. The guy looked me up and down it was uncomfortable but I remember what Tom said don't speak to anyone or so anything so I just looked down and didn't talk.

"You have my money, Tom?" Antonio said. I looked up and saw Tom he looked serious no expression on his face at all. Tom slowly nodded making one of his guards hand him a suitcase.

"I do but do you have my weapons?" Tom said. Antonio slowly smiled and nodded.

"Of course I do Tom who do you think I am!" Antonio said while smiling big he looked excited his money was here. "Give me my money and I'll give you your weapons!"Antonio said. He still had a big smile on his face. It was creepy. Tom shook his head.

"I don't trust you Antonio last time you said that things didn't go as planned," Tom said. Antonio's smile faded he now had a serious face.

"It's always you and your trust issues that incident happened because of that stupid bitch
Named Madison" Antonio said. Madison? As in my sister? Wait let's not get to conclusions they could be talking about another Madison. Tom
Looked at me and looked back at Antonio. "That bitch ruined everything all I remember about her is she had a small star tattoo on her thumb. Now give me my money!" Antonio yelled. That's not possible! They were talking about my sister me and Madison had a matching tattoos she had a star tattoo on her thumb and I had mine on my pinky I looked at it and I felt like screaming at everyone.

"Shut up Antonio and give me my weapons," Tom said. I didn't wanna look at Tom I was mad at him and this so-called bitch Antonio I wanted to punch and hit Tom I wanted to kill him does this mean Tom had something to do with it Madison? No wonder he was at my sister's college. Now that I'm thinking about it that could've been my sister standing in front of Tom.
Tom killed my sister...

"GIVE ME MY MONEY FIRST YOU BITCH!!!"Antonio yelled. I just looked at Tom the whole time and at Antonio, I hated both of them.

"Here take your shitty money," Tom said. While siding the suitcase toward Antonio. He grabbed the suitcase desperately. "Now hand me my weapons," Tom said. Antonio started laughing like a maniac.

"I don't have your weapons I just came for my money," Antonio said while laughing. Tom pulled out his gun and all of Antonio's gang pulled out theirs. "No need to get Violet Tom," Antonio said with a smile on his face.

"Your one crazy bitch." Tom said. With that, Antonio pulled out his gun and pointed it at Tom. Tom's gang pulled out their guns and pointed them at the other guys. Everyone had a gun pointed at each other. I couldn't think straight I was just wishing Tom got shot and died. He killed my sister!

"I know that," Antonio said while laughing. Antonio shot and everyone started shooting. Antonio missed Tom. I felt Tom pull me by the arm making me go to his car.

"How could you...." I said. I knew everyone was killing each other but I was mad and sad. Tom looked at me.

"Mina quite your shit," Tom said. I looked at him.

"How could you kill my ducking sister!!! how could you Tom!" I said. Tom stared at me tears rolling down my eyes. "Just when I thought maybe you weren't as bad of a guy but I was so mistaken! Fuck you, Tom! I hope u get fucking killed! I hate you!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!! YOU KILLED THE ONE PERSON I LOVED THE MOST AND THAT'S MY SISTER FUCK YOU!" I said yelling at him. I heard bullets still firing. Tom slapped me across the face making me stumble back. I looked up at him. He had his jaw clenched together.

"YOUR SUCH A FUCKING BITCH! JUST STFU YOU MAKE EVERYTHING SO COMPLICATED" Tom said. I slapped him hard across the face he looked back up at me and grabbed a handful of my hair opening the car door and pushing me inside. "When this is over I'll come back to you," he said. I wasn't scared anymore I was just hurt he killed my sister. She just wanted to study here he took that from her. I started crying hard in the car I couldn't stop thinking about it. I heard someone open the door and got inside. "STOP FUCKING CRYING!" He said. I couldn't stop even if I tried I was hurt.

"You think it's easy Tom it isn't! You killed someone I cared so much about! You took her dream away all she wanted to do was study you took that from her!" I said. While crying.

"yea sure she wanted to study so much she came to me asking for fucking drugs. She was a fucking addict she owed me money lots of money she never paid so I had to kill her and that's my job so just calm down won't you?" Tom said. He was fucking lying I knew he was my sister wasn't an addict she wouldn't do such a thing!

"Your lying! She wouldn't do drugs she's not stupid! You killed her because that's what you like doing killing innocent people you don't even look at them in the eyes all the fear they have in their eyes. Wishing to run away but if they do it'll go worse for them wouldn't it!!" I said yelling at him. Tom stayed silent and Kept driving I didn't see the other cars it was just me and Tom. I wanted to die here. I wanted to bury myself underground until I heard nothing. Tom stopped the car in the middle of nowhere and came to my seat opening the door.


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