It's Okay

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Tom stopped the car in the middle of nowhere and came to my seat opening the door.

He grabbed me by my arm pulling me outside. I look up at him.

"Why do you have to make things so difficult just when I thought maybe you'll start listening to me and not bad mouth me anymore?" Tom said. He said it himself "He thought" I hated him I didn't wanna look a Him or talk to him. "Your sister didn't go to college she came here for drugs not to study in some stupid college," Tom said while looking at me. He pushed me away from his grip and I tripped and fell on the ground. "You're so weak just like your sister," Tom said. I stood up and looked at him I slapped him across the face he let out a small chuckle. "YOUR WEAK!" Tom said once again. He grabbed my face making me look him in the eyes. "Remind yourself Mina repeat it to yourself your weak say it," He said. I stayed quiet and just looked at him. His grip was getting tighter. "SAY IT!!" He said yelling at me. I grabbed his arm and pushed it away from my face.

"IM NOT FUCKING WEAK! YOUR SUCH AN ASSHOLE TOM!! HOW CAN YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO ME! HOW CAN YOU LIE ABOUT MY SISTER? HOW CAN YOU FUCKING KILL HER! WHY DID YOU DO IT!!?" I said with tears in my eyes. He looked at me and laughed. "Fucking psycho," I said. He looked at me again and clenched his jaw hitting me hard across the face it wasn't a slap it was a punch this time. I stumbled and fell on the ground holding my face.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! YOU KNOW WHAT I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE ITS TIME I KILL YOU." Tom said. He grabbed my hair dragging me to the side of his car. He grabbed his gun and pointed it at my head.

"Pull it..." I said in a whisper. "I SAID PULL IT FUCKING BITCH!" I said grabbing his hand where he had his gun and pointing it more to my head.

*Toms pov*
I pulled my gun out and pointed it at her head.
She whispered something I couldn't hear she then yelled out


I looked at her she grabbed my hand and put it more towards her head my gun now touching her head. As much as I wanted to kill her I couldn't bare to pull the trigger it made me weak just imagining her dead. I slap her across the face where I have punched her making her groan in pain. She looked at me and I grabbed her hair. Pulling her up she closed her eyes and I decided to scare her by pulling the trigger and hitting the ground she jumped and looked at me.

"Get in the car Mina," I said. She stayed there standing not moving an inch "Seriously do I have to do everything for you?" I said while grabbing her arm and dragging her inside the car. I hopped in and started driving off. I kept driving for about six minutes until we made it to the house I looked over at Mina she was just staring out the window. "Let's go," I said. I walked inside and soon I saw her walk in she didn't look at me she just went upstairs. I heard Bill say something I didn't hear him I was too lost I thought.

"Dude, did you hear me?" Bill said. I looked over at him and shook my head as in no. "I said they saw Pablos man rooming around the house luckily our guard caught them and shot them," Bill said. I was shocked I thought these new guards were gonna be stupid but I was wrong.

"As long as they are dead I'm good," I said. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I heard Elizabeth laughing at something. "What are you laughing about?" I said while looking at her. She shook her head she looked scared when I asked her. "Show me, Liz," I said. She shooked her head. Fucking annoying bitch. I snatched her phone from her hands wondering what was making her laugh so much. It was Mina she was only wearing a bra and underwear she was bruised who did this to her? "Why are you fucking laughing at this? What kind of friend are you?" I said. She tried snatching her phone back but I pushed her away. She froze and just stayed there silently. I went through her messages and saw a group chat called "The Fakos" stupid name. I saw the same picture of Mina and a message from Liz saying "I remember she came crying to me because her ex beat her up after sleeping with her she's so stupid following him like a puppy it's funny she defends herself from Tom now" and another message from Liz that said "Minas ex-bf isn't bad in bed he's incredible I remember sleeping with him when she was sad she thought he was sleeping with someone and that "someone" was me" I instantly got mad I looked over at her and stood up grabbing her hair.

"You think this is funny? You fucking whore." I said. I dragged her by her hair hitting her head on the floor I stopped after I heard Bill. She got up and ran directly at Bill.

"What the fuck Tom!!" Bill said holding Elizabeth. I laughed and went up to Bill shoving him to the side. I grabbed Elizabeth by her arm and pulled her outside.


"What is he saying, Liz? You did what?" Bill said. Liz looked down.

"I'm sorry.." Liz said. I laughed.

"Fucking bitch!" I said throwing her to the ground. Bill looked at her and went inside I wanted to kill her she's a fake ass bitch. I left her there bleeding from her face and went inside I went upstairs and went inside my room I looked for Mina she was in the bathroom. I barged in and she was staring at herself in the mirror. I threw her the phone and she looked up at me.

*Mina's pov*
I was in the bathroom looking at myself my face was all beaten up I hated Tom I hated him so much. I heard the room door open I knew it was Tom he soon barged into the bathroom throwing me Liz's phone. I looked up at him I didn't wanna talk to him but I was confused.

"What am I supposed to do with this? This isn't my phone this is Liz's phone" I said. He looked at me.

"Look at the messages Mina," Tom said in an angry voice. Why was he mad? I looked at the phone it was turned off luckily I knew her password I never went threw it because I could trust her. I saw the messages and I was shocked I was mad and sad. How could she say and do this to me? I thought I was her best friend. I turned off the phone. And looked at Tom I wanted to cry she was making fun of me and she slept with my ex she did so much shit... "Why didn't you tell me, Mina?" Tom said. I felt tears start running down my cheeks

"Because I barely know you and all you ever do is treat me like shit and you almost killed me today you kidnapped me how was I supposed to tell you? Now you know so I can't hide it" I cried more. Him knowing this. He could use it to his advantage. I covered my face with my hands crying. I soon felt arms around me it was Tom I hugged him back.

"If I knew about this I wouldn't have done this I'm sorry Mina... it's not your fault that stupid idiot will get what he deserves I promise." Tom
Said. He finally apologized knowing he killed my sister still made me sick and made me hate him but he also did this for me and made me realize Liz wasn't a good friend.

"He only used me for sex. All he wanted was my body not for who I was he took advantage. The first time when we did it he was gentle and not rough but as time went by he got mad at me because I didn't wanna sleep with him anymore that was because I knew he was sleeping with another woman and that other woman was Liz. When I gave him what he wanted he had beaten me up. That day I went crying to Liz for help I didn't know she took a picture of me she was talking shit about me with her other friends this is sick I trusted her so much." I said crying hard this time I hugged Tom tighter.

"It's gonna be okay Mina I promise I'll find that stupid bitch who did this to you I'll make him pay," Tom said. I felt safe around him sometimes but I was still mad at him for killing my sister and calling her a drug addict. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "It's gonna be okay. When you're with me nothing can happen to you." He said. I wiped my tears away.

"Im gonna rest.." I said. He nodded and I went straight to the bed I laid down and looked at Tom one Last time.

"Before you sleep what was your boyfriend's name?" Tom said.

"His name is... Xavier... Xavier Cruz" I said. He looked shocked as if he didn't believe me after a while he nodded and headed out. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.


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