Mina Come Out!

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At least that's what I thought.

I can't stay here I don't fit in with any of them.
And Ayame she hates my guts. I hate her as much as she hates me. I had to distance myself from Tom or something. From now on I will try and avoid him. If I can...
I heard footsteps coming upstairs. I was sitting on the bed when I saw the door open it was Ayame great.

"Ugh, I can't stand looking at you," Ayame said.
I ignored her and walked past her I got out of the room I didn't wanna be near her or with her at all. I went downstairs and met with Bill.

"Do you know where Tom is?" Bill asked. I shrugged. I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a water bottle. "Why are you so quiet?"

"Do I always have to talk?" I said while looking at him. He shook his head and looked at his phone. "Do you have any idea if Tom grabbed my phone? I had it with me that day" I said.

"I don't know Mina you should ask him," Bill said. I shook my head as in no.

"I'm gonna avoid him from now on I can't deal with him and his stupid girlfriend she's constantly on my back talking and saying so much shit," I said. Bill looked at me concerned.

"You can not avoid him just like that Mina he's gotten soft only for you. If you avoid him you'll drive him crazy" Bill said. I looked at him and laughed a little.

"He's already crazy Bill," I said. Bill looked at me and stood up.

"Just don't avoid him," Bill said. He sounded worried and serious so what if I ignored him? What will Tom do?

"Just tell me why Bill," I said while looking at him.

"He's got problems but they get worse Just do as I say don't avoid him," Bill said while looking at me.

"Yea okay fine," I said. I was still going try to avoid him or maybe not avoid him but not talk to him so often.

"Okay well Tom send me the location where he's at Gustav and Georg are going as well so you girls don't ruin or make this house a mess would you?" Bill said.

"Sure.." I said while drinking my water

(time skip)
It's been about 14 minutes since Bill left I was in the living room watching TV. Until I heard cars outside they did not sound familiar I could tell when it was Tom. But this wasn't him one bit I looked through the window and saw...
Pablo, it was Pablo and his gang fuck!
I turned the TV off and ran upstairs. I knocked on Jennifer's and Bianca's room. I was scared.

"We have to hide," I said scared my breath heavy.

"Wait what do you mean Mina??" Bianca said. I couldn't talk I was too scared I heard the door break down fuck their inside.

"Pablo's gang is here we have to hide! Please now" I said worried for them and me. "Where's Ayame?"

"She left like two hours ago?" Jennifer said. I nodded.

"Guys stop talking and let's hide idiots we're gonna get killed!" Bianca said. I quickly grabbed both of their arms and went inside In This dark and big room I saw a closet I quickly made my way to it and opened it.

"Get in there and don't make a sound," I said whispering they nodded and made their way inside. I went inside as well we closed the closet I know it wasn't the best hideout but it was something. We heard a familiar voice coming upstairs it wasn't Pablo it was Ayame.
We looked at each other confused was she secretly in Pablos gang?

"You slutty bitch come out! I KNOW YOU HERE MINA COME OUT!!" Ayame yelled out. Fuck. Did she come here with Pablo?
Great these two assholes want to kill me!
I'm so screwed.

"Ahh, I smell her already where are you, Princess?" Pablo said. I looked at Bianca and Jennifer once again and we all looked scared what are we gonna do?
Just when Bianca was gonna whisper something I saw someone enter the room I told them to be quiet with my finger

"Where can you possibly be Mina?" Ayame said she had a gun in her hand I was scared fuck.
"Oh it would be stupid of you to hide under the bed" She looked under the bed quickly but she didn't find anything or anyone. "Come out Mina I know you're here somewhere!!".

She got out of the room we were safe until Jennifer's phone rang She quickly hung up but that didn't stop Ayame from hearing.

"There you guys are I've been dying to beat the shit out of you Mina!" Ayame said while dragging me by the hair. "Pablo I got her!" Pablo came quickly into the room and looked at me.

"Ayame grab the other bitches and tie them up we just need her," Pablo said Ayame quickly assisted and grabbed Bianca and Jennifer.
Bianca was the first to fight back and punch Ayame. The other members grabbed Bianca by the hair and hit her hard across the face. "Ahh, Mina I can't wait! I'm taking you to my home and let's see how much Tom cares about you should we?" Pablo said with a smirk on his face. I stood up and tried running but Pablo yanked my hair and pushed me to the ground. "Don't try anything bitch!" Pablo said once again he hit me with his gun on my head I felt dizzy and everything around me went black.

(time skip)

I suddenly woke up I got a sting on my head I roamed my hand towards my head I was bleeding badly. I got up from the floor and looked around I was inside a basement I mean it looked like one. I went over to the door and tried opening it but it was no use it was locked where are Bianca and Jenifer?

"You awake and if you wanna open that door you have to have these keys.." Pablo said swinging the Keys side to side and placing them back inside his pockets. "Tom will try finding you I know he will which gives me a few minutes before I can beat the shit out of you," he said once again laughing a little at the end of his sentence. "I need information about Tom... and if you don't give it to me well.." Pablo said grabbing something out of his pocket he had a taser nothing else but he grabbed a taser. "I will tase you... till death!" he said laughing a little bit. He's acting like he's in a movie or some shit stupid fuck.

"Even if you do till death I won't tell you shit," I said still near the door he was sitting down on a couch.

"Well, I'll make you.." Pablo said this time sounding serious.

"Try me Pablo..." I said looking at him with a serious tone.


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