Chapter 2: Black Emerald Powers

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          In the midst of Everett and Elle's lives, very far away, there is a mystical object called the Black Emerald, a relatively more hidden artifact. It is located on planet Sapphire, inside the White Clothing Solar System—a solar system inside the Nebula Galaxy.

          The Black Emerald was made 359 years ago, in 1661. A powerful wizard and witch couple named Felix and Adrianna Wright (Felix being the wizard and Adrianna being the witch) created this surreal beauty.

          While making the Black Emerald, Felix and Adrianna Wright found a medium-sized emerald of 5,260 carats and captured two wandering spirits with what they created and called the "spiritual jar."

          This attractive jar captures spirits and keeps them contained; they can only escape when the container's lid opens, and they can leave freely. The "spiritual jar" is a glass-like jar tall enough to hold one pint of water and full of air.

          After Felix and Adrianna Wright captured these two meandering spirits in their "spiritual jar," Felix cast a spell that injected them with negative personality traits. Since no other spirits were inside the jar, the spell infected only the two poor spirits.

          Once the two spirits inhibited evil and nasty personality traits, Adrianna grabbed the Black Emerald. Felix carefully opened the jar; Adrianna dropped the gemstone inside, and Felix closed the lid before the two evil souls could escape.

          Second, Felix cast another spell (this time, inside the jar) that gave these two spirits and the emerald a dangerous power: the ability to grant anyone a superpower, which can be multiple.

          Third, Adrianna cast a spell that injected the two spirits inside the Black Emerald.

          Finally, Felix finished the job by casting a spell that he and Adrianna would have control over the Black Emerald-infested spirits, and they could do whatever they wanted. This process was efficient, so they named their creation the Black Emerald.

          Felix and Adrianna Wright had big grins on their faces, and they knew what they would do next; nothing would stand in their way of doing what they pleased and enjoyed.

          Right after Felix and Adrianna Wright created the Black Emerald, they took over the entire planet of Sapphire. Forced to yield against the powerful couple, kingdoms, towns, and communities succumbed to the powerful couple, leaving the way for Felix and Adrianna to dominate everyone.

          The couple crowned themselves as "the ultimate king and queen of Planet Sapphire." However, this would only last three years because mysterious foes would turn everything upside down.

          Three years after Felix and Adrianna Wrights claimed superiority, a latent kingdom developed in the southwest quadrant of the planet. The powerful couple recognized this new kingdom as a threat because they had a complex political structure, economic wealth, and powerful technology.

          They made their presence known inside the royal palace of Mae, the latent kingdom, but to their surprise, the king of Mae told them to flee from the domain (along with the other parts of the nobility). 

          "We have no interest in twin dictatorship over this planet, and your precious emerald does not dread us! I suggest you leave now before things get ugly because we will throw that emerald like a piece of scrap metal! We are highly resistant to artificially-made objects, especially ones that are supposed to give humans commodities as 'superpowers,'" exclaimed the king of Mae.

          Felix and Adrianna were dumbfounded by this response because they were so used to humans and their kingdoms, towns, or domains succumbing under their proclamation. They left the premises in furious confusion and went to their home to plot revenge against the kingdom of Mae.

The Black Emerald, Book I: Interesting AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now