Chapter 10: History of Miranda

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          Everyone has a reason to be evil or good, but Miranda's situation is slightly different. Here is the fated but creepy origin of why Miranda is as cunning as a fox and as immature as ever!

          About 216 years ago, on January 30th, 1806, one of Miranda's family members once lived there, walking in the Wickering Forest in Mystara. She was 33 years old then, and her name was Teressa Hopkins; she was on a mission to hunt and kill a banshee.

          The banshee had been producing mournful wailing sounds since two days back, and she was worried that she or one of her family members and friends would die, and it would be because of the wicked ghost fairy herself. Because of these thoughts of worry and concern, she found the banshee in a forest clearing beside her house and murdered it with no hesitation!

          Teressa used deadly magic to set the banshee on fire, to which it screamed in tumultuous pain. Nothing but a ghostly fume rose into the atmosphere and absorbed the chilly, frosty air.

          It had been snowing that day, and there was snow everywhere; there was no fire to Mother Nature's bounty, and there stood her, the banshee killer, in pride and joy. The dark and cold night with chilly breezes rubbed against her body, and she would leave with a smile. Teressa hoped she saved a positive destiny for the rest of her family members and friends, but fate had other plans for the woman and her close circle.

          Legend says that if you hunt a banshee and kill it, you will be cursed. There are many possibilities, and this one would make Miranda and the rest of her family psychos!

          A day after the killing, attitudes changed dramatically in her family and extended family. That fateful day, when things started changing, her family and extended family started displaying evil attitudes and attributes.

          People aged 16 or over become immortal or immortalized! It happened to everyone, and 64 members would meet this awful fate, both her family and extended family.

          These "evil attitudes and attributes" would be examples of killing people, malignant humor, greedy obsession with magic, etc...

          Along with these malicious deeds came some strange hobbies. For example, when her family and extended family started showing these actions, they started offering a fondness for black cats, crows, and many species connected with magic.

          If anyone knows, black cats and crows are known for being evil luck charms and death omens, and you would know what would be coming next. Oh yes, their greedy obsession for magic and only magic!

          They would catch these animals and take them in as pets, and they would be right at home. They would have an excessive number of these animals, and there would be so many that they would have to find two or three separate homes for all of them.

          One more disturbing fact is that these hobbies and attitudes meant certain people the age of 35 or under could have as many babies as possible, and they wouldn't even have to deal with periods, morning sickness, or anything!

          Sounds great, right!? Sure, but the fact that your offspring would automatically become evil would defeat the purpose of having children.

          With having kids, mothers would still have the motivation to have children, and the decision-making would still be the same for them (whether they want to have kids or not). It would just be that everyone would become evil and spiteful.

          In Miranda's case, she is the 15th child of the 33-year-old Teressa Hopkins. Through Teressa Hopkins killing and hunting the banshee, Miranda was evil and vengeful initially!

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