Chapter 14: Conversation of Truth

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          Annabelle knocked on Beatrice's door, and Beatrice spoke in an upset voice. "Whoever it is, I don't want to talk right now! Go away and come back another time," exclaimed a furious Beatrice.

          "It's me, Annabelle. I want to have a word with you," responded Annabelle. "If you don't mind."

          "I don't want to hear it, Annabelle. Everyone probably wants me thrown off the team because the Black Emerald revealed many negative parts of my personality! If you are one of those people, I don't want to hear anything," replied Beatrice, stomping her foot on the ground.

          "Beatrice, I'm not on either side! I want to know what I can do to reason with you and get to know you!

          "Ever since you, Everett, and Elle joined the Freedom Fighter Squad, everybody has been talking about you and excited to meet you! Including me, I want to know everyone on the spaceship, regardless of their bad or good deeds and age! I want to get to know you, Beatrice, and I am not leaving until you let me in and talk to me," replied a serious Annabelle.

          There was a moment of silence and a creek at Beatrice's door. "Fine, you can come in, and I'm sorry for acting out before. That was rude of me," said Beatrice in a somber tone.

          Annabelle proceeded towards Beatrice, who sadly sat on her bed. "It's alright, and I'm here for you. Is there anything you want to talk about?" Annabelle asked, sitting next to Beatrice.

          "I'm just upset that the Black Emerald had to reveal my personality's negative aspects and horrible dating history. I have a hard time handling relationships with other boys, and I tend to cheat a lot.

          "I was so nervous because I didn't want to make enemies on my second day of traveling, and I didn't want to be the odd one out. I wanted to fit in and make friends; I didn't want anyone to give me the side eye and talk behind my back like I was some alien! I wanted to make friends, but now that is unlikely to happen," sobbed Beatrice, covering her face.

          Annabelle looked saddened and gave Beatrice a warm hug. "It's okay. I understand how you feel. I've been there."

          "I felt the same way when I was younger when I had to give a presentation in 4th grade when a mean kid revealed an embarrassing story about me in front of the class," said Annabelle while Beatrice accepted her hug.

          "Oh, and I'm sorry that happened...t-that must have felt awful," a crying Beatrice replied.

          "I got over it, but I came in for you to ask a question: what do you want to do now?" Annabelle asked, pulling away from the hug.

          "I want to go home where my mom and dad are. The Black Emerald revealed this prophecy too suddenly, and I wasn't fully ready to board this spaceship when they were helping me pack my stuff.

          "I don't know about Everett and Elle, but being here after the Black Emerald telling my possibly darkest secret is too much for me to handle. I want to go home and have a clear mind, and I want time to think about returning," Beatrice answered.

          Annabelle put her head down, and she had a sad facial expression. "I understand...I can't force you to stay, but I hope you find peace in visiting your mom and will consider returning. Everybody really wants to meet and get to know you, Beatrice, and I'm not lying.

          "Unfortunately, the Black Emerald will make a fuss about the prophecy, and we will most likely pick you up when we are about to face Adrianna and Felix Wright. Be prepared, Beatrice, because most likely, the fight against them isn't going to be pretty one bit," said Annabelle.

          "Oh," said Beatrice. She wiped some tears from her eyes, and Annabelle stood up.

          "Well, Beatrice, you can stay here or come with us. The decision is up to you," said Annabelle. "What do you want to do?"

          "I'll come with you...It might be dangerous out there," Beatrice replied, standing. Annabelle nodded her head and smiled.

          "Come with me, then," said Annabelle. Beatrice nodded her head, and the two walked toward the others who were waiting for them.

          While Beatrice and Annabelle had their heart-to-heart conversation, the Black Emerald assigned Elle a superpower. The talking gemstone gave one speech to the individual, and here is what the object said.

          "We will continue this special occasion with Elle, and I can tell that you are highly interested in animals and their biological structures. You are a creative and shy person with an innovative mind and love doing what is the most logical thing.

          "With this in mind, I shall give you the ability to shapeshift—a useful tool to help further expand your imagination and knowledge about animals you know and haven't heard of existing. Congratulations."

          The same fated green light covered Elle; the rest was history afterward.

          Annabelle and Beatrice caught up with everyone where the Black Emerald was doing the procedure, and Annabelle nodded to them. "Let's go, everyone; that vampire is waiting for us," said Annabelle.

          Everyone was surprised to see Beatrice; everyone thought she would stay in her room for this mission. Caitlyn protectively held Devon's hand and glared at Beatrice. "You better not have your hands on my sweetheart," thought Caitlyn.

          Beatrice ignored Caitlyn's stare and stared at the floor and ceiling while smiling to herself. "Even though I want to make friends, I still want that cutie named Devon all to myself," thought Beatrice, giving Devon a smirk while Caitlyn wasn't looking. 

The Black Emerald, Book I: Interesting AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now