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Warning: Respectful Boundaries and Fictional Characters Only

Dear Readers,

Before diving into the world of imagination and stories, I would like to issue a word of caution regarding the content you are about to engage with. This particular story involves fictional characters, specifically inspired by the SB19 members. It is crucial to understand that I, as the author, have no intention of turning these characters into objects of shipping or fandom fantasies.

It is absolutely essential to respect the boundaries of real people. I kindly ask you not to confuse the line between fiction and reality. I understand that shipping and fan culture can be a part of one's enjoyment and enthusiasm, but it should never extend beyond fictional characters.

Although this story draws inspiration from the SB19 members, we reassure you that it is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or people is coincidental. I value and respect the individual lives and privacy of the SB19 members, just as I would with any other real person.

If, by any chance, the SB19 members come across this story and feel uncomfortable or wish for it to be taken down, I assure them that I will respect their boundaries immediately. I am committed to fostering a culture of appreciation, understanding, and respect towards the real people who inspire my creative endeavors.

In the event that any real person, including the SB19 members, expresses their discomfort or requests the removal of this story, I will honor their wishes without question. I understand that everyone has the right to control their own narrative and boundaries, and it is my responsibility as author to recognize and respect that.

I would like to emphasize once again that this story is based on fictional characters inspired by the SB19 members. It is not meant to infringe upon the personal lives or boundaries of the real individuals. I encourage you, as readers, to approach this story with an appreciation for the fictional world we have created, while maintaining a clear distinction between fiction and reality.

Ultimately, our goal is to entertain and ignite the imagination of my readers within the boundaries of respect and consent. I hope you enjoy the story for what it is—a work of fiction that aims to celebrate the creativity and talent of the SB19 members, while fully prioritizing their well-being and their right to privacy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this warning, and I hope you enjoy the story while keeping in mind its fictional nature.



________________ AUTHOR'S NOTE:

Hey everyone!

Welcome to my second story, and thank you for taking the time to read it. I'm sure you all have been here before, but if this is your first time, I'm glad you've decided to join me here.

I wanted to give you a heads up that the updates for this story are going to be a bit slower than my first story. I'm currently in college and my schedule is pretty packed. That being said, I'm going to make sure that every chapter is longer than the first story. My goal is to have each chapter be at least 3k-5k words, so it'll be a long read even in one chapter.

I understand if this isn't your cup of tea and you'd prefer more frequent updates. I'm sorry if that isn't the case with this story, but I'm putting in my best effort to make sure the chapters are worth the wait.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this story. If you're interested, I do have another story that you might enjoy. You can find it in my timeline.

Once again, thank you for choosing to read this story and I hope you enjoy it.

Happy reading!



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