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The sun’s gentle rays painted the university campus in a warm, golden glow, signaling the arrival of the long-awaited Freshy Day events. Justin, Elias, and Stell, their hearts brimming with anticipation, embarked on their journey in the early morning hours.

As they strolled through the campus, the scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the excitement that hung in the air. The question of whether to satiate their hunger tugged at their thoughts. Elias, his mischievous grin lighting up his face, suggested, “Shall we grab a bite first?” Justin’s eyes sparkled with amusement as he glanced over at Stell, who remained engrossed in his phone, oblivious to their deliberation.

A chorus of agreement filled the air as they acknowledged the need for sustenance before the intense volleyball game that awaited them. “Absolutely! We’ll need all the energy we can get,” Justin exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. Elias chuckled, well aware of the challenges that lay ahead on the court. With a nod, they decided to let Stell be, allowing him the space he seemed to crave since Elias’ unfortunate injury during their last practice session.

Curiosity gnawed at Elias as they continued their leisurely walk. He nudged Justin gently, his voice barely above a whisper, “What’s going on with Stell?” Justin, perplexed by Stell’s recent demeanor, turned to Elias, his brow furrowing with genuine concern. “I don’t know, man. I don’t even know why he acts like that,” Justin confided, his words carrying a subtle undercurrent of frustration. The trio attempted to maintain a façade of normalcy, the whispers of uncertainty weaving through their conversation like an elusive melody.

Elias, ever curious, ventured into the uncharted territory of Stell’s personal life. “Does he have… you know, a girlfriend?” he inquired, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity. In response, Justin, with a mix of frustration and amusement, gently tapped Elias’ forehead, a silent reminder of the bonds they shared. “We’re always together with Stell. If you don’t know, why would I know something?” he quipped, sarcasm dancing in his tone.

As they continued their journey towards the vibrant heartbeat of the university—the cafeteria—Elias persisted, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. “Well, as long as it’s not her, right?” he mused. Justin, momentarily caught off guard, furrowed his brows before a flicker of realization crossed his face. He nodded slowly, the weight of unspoken assumptions settling between them. “Yeah, and I don’t think it’s her, especially since he’s been going through a rebellious phase with his dad,” Justin divulged, his gaze briefly shifting back to Stell, who remained engrossed in the luminescent world contained within his phone.

As Justin and Elias arrived at the bustling cafeteria, their stomachs growled in anticipation of a satisfying meal. They joined the line, discussing their food preferences and placing their orders with efficiency. Meanwhile, Stell remained seated at a nearby table, engrossed in his phone, engaged in a lively chat with someone named Felip.

A smile played on Stell’s lips as he typed, “Are you not going to watch me?” His excitement was palpable, evident in the way his eyes sparkled. Felip’s response came swiftly, “Of course, I will watch. I won’t miss it,” bringing an even wider grin to Stell’s face. The bond between Stell and Felip had grown strong through their conversations, and Felip’s unwavering presence had become a source of comfort and joy for Stell.

Feeling emboldened by Felip’s reply, Stell eagerly typed, “Then we should meet.” He hit send and waited anxiously for Felip’s response. Seconds turned into minutes, and Stell’s anticipation grew with each passing moment. However, as the message remained unread, a sense of disappointment washed over Stell.

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