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Kong and Arthit lay together in bed, their bodies intertwined after a long and exhausting day spent assisting Kong's younger brother, Stell. They had devoted their time to ensuring that Stell had everything he needed. As they relaxed in each other's embrace, Kong couldn't help but express his concerns about Stell's well-being.

"I'm worried about Stell," Kong's voice quivered with genuine concern, his love for his brother evident in his tone.

Sensitive to Kong's worries, Arthit gently caressed Kong's hair, providing both physical and emotional comfort. With a soothing voice, he reassured Kong, "You don't have to worry, my love. Nong Stell is a resourceful and intelligent young man. I believe in his ability to handle whatever challenges come his way. He'll certainly figure it out."

Arthit's words sought to alleviate Kong's anxiety, assuring him that Stell possessed the necessary qualities to navigate life's obstacles. In this intimate moment, Arthit's gestures and words served to offer solace and reaffirm their trust in Stell's capabilities.

Kong let out a deep sigh, his worries apparent in the heaviness of his breath. "But he hates engineering, hate isn't even the right word, he despises it," he confessed, gazing into Arthit's eyes for solace and understanding.

Arthit, recognizing Kong's distress, gently tapped Kong's cheek, trying to soothe his concerns. With a reassuring tone, he responded, "Remember, my love, there was a time when you also harbored a strong aversion towards engineering. However, as time went on, you grew to love it, didn't you? So, there's no need to fret. I believe that Stell will have a positive and transformative experience there. But if Stell still doesn't want to pursue it, we will have a conversation with your father. We'll ensure that he truly listens to Stell's desires and aspirations."

Arthit's gentle touch and calming words aimed to remind Kong of his own journey and how passions can evolve over time. He reassured Kong that even if Stell's feelings towards engineering remained unchanged, they would stand by him and advocate for his individual preferences. In this tender moment, Arthit's unwavering support and commitment to both Kong and Stell served as a source of strength and comfort.

As a wave of relief washed over Kong, he nodded in agreement, grateful for Arthit's understanding and support. In a gesture of affection, Arthit leaned in and pressed his lips tenderly against Kong's cheek, showering him with love and reassurance. A soft whisper escaped Arthit's lips, "It's going to be alright."

Kong's smile illuminated his face, a reflection of the comfort he felt in Arthit's presence. Snuggling closer to his partner, he nestled himself securely in Arthit's embrace. In that moment, surrounded by warmth and affection, Kong felt a profound sense of safety and assurance.

Kong took a deep, shuddering breath, desperately attempting to still the tumultuous storm of thoughts raging within his mind. The weight of his brother's unfulfilled dream pressed heavily on his heart, reminding him of the painful reality they now faced. Since they were young, his brother had harbored an unwavering passion for singing and dancing, dreaming of stepping into the spotlight as a professional performer. And now, that dream seemed forever out of reach.

As the weight of guilt began to consume him, Kong's voice trembled, his words barely audible. "Maybe... maybe it's my fault. If only I had encouraged him more, supported him better, he might have had a chance to make his dream come true."

But before his self-blame could fully take hold, Arthit quickly interjected, gently tapping Kong's forehead to halt his self-destructive train of thought. "Don't say something stupid, Kong. This isn't your fault, okay? Be strong. If your brother could hear you blaming yourself, he would be furious with you, and surely, he would be even angrier with himself."

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