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Oi, Ken, should we grab something to eat before heading to the gathering? We still have two hours before it starts,” Josh queried, his eyes fixated on his phone screen as he searched for nearby eateries. Ken contemplated the question briefly, his thoughts racing, before simply nodding in agreement to Josh’s suggestion.

Meanwhile, Pablo lent a helping hand to Josh in the quest for a suitable restaurant while Nat engaged in conversation with other members of their hazing group. Ken, on the other hand, absentmindedly scrolled through Instagram, when a new post caught his attention. The post featured a captivating video of Stell singing “Dulo” by The Juans in the comfort of his room. Unable to resist, Ken found himself entranced by Stell’s remarkable vocal talents, his eyes glued to the post, unaware of Pablo’s mischievous gaze from behind.

He has a beautiful voice, doesn’t he?” Pablo asked, also captivated by the post. “Yeah he doe-- what of course not” Ken, caught off guard, panic-stricken, quickly turned off his phone and shifted his gaze to Pablo.

Oh please, Ken. I know you better than you know yourself. So, are you getting interested in our boy 0894? ” Pablo continued to playfully tease Ken, his tone filled with mischief and amusement. Ken, not one to take Pablo's banter seriously, simply rolled his eyes in response. Sensing the need for a temporary escape, Ken excused himself, informing the group that he needed to use the bathroom. As he walked away, Pablo couldn't help but burst into laughter, his amusement echoing in the air. Before Ken disappeared, he overheard Nat's confused voice addressing Pablo.

"What's going on with Ken?" Nat inquired, seeking some clarification. Pablo, still chuckling to himself, replied with a playful lilt in his voice, "Oh, he's just going through puberty, you know how it is." Nat appeared momentarily perplexed by Pablo's response, unsure of what to make of it, but ultimately decided to brush it off and carry on with the conversation.

Ken, resisting the urge to use the bathroom, instead found himself walking around the back of the building. As he turned a corner, he caught sight of Stell engaged in a serious phone conversation, his face etched with concern. Ken, deciding it was best not to intrude, lingered in the shadows, observing the scene from a distance. Though unable to hear the words exchanged between Stell and the person on the other end of the line, the intensity of the conversation was palpable. It seemed as though Stell was embroiled in a heated argument, his voice tinged with frustration.

Just as Ken contemplated leaving his perch, his hand suddenly buzzed with a text message. It was Josh, sending him the location of the chosen restaurant. Ken’s initial instinct was to bid farewell to his hidden observation spot and head towards the rendezvous. However, just before he began his retreat, something caught his eye. Stell, overcome with emotions, was now openly weeping, tears streaming down his face.

A surge of empathy coursed through Ken’s veins, urging him to approach Stell and offer a comforting presence. But he hesitated, acutely aware of the divide between them. Stell, a first-year student, had always seemed wary and intimidated by Ken’s presence. Ken knew all too well that making an approach might only further distress Stell. Suppressing the impulse to intervene, a pang of regret washed over Ken as he reluctantly turned away, feeling as though he had failed to provide solace to someone clearly in need.


Stell’s phone suddenly rang, prompting him to signal Justin and Elias that he needed to step away. He quickly retreated to the back of the building, answering the call from his older brother.

“Hello, p’Kong,” Stell greeted, his voice tinged with slight apprehension as he waited for his brother to speak.

Oh, Stell, are you okay?” Kongpob asked, his concern evident in his tone.

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