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Stell jolted awake to the sound of a heavy knocking on his door. His groggy mind struggled to comprehend the noise, trying to identify the person behind it. As the knocking persisted, he let out a forceful groan, rubbed his eyes and sat up on his bed.

"Why can't Justin just enter? They always manage to take my extra keys for the dorm," Stell thought as he dragged his feet to the door. He opened the door, but his relief turned to surprise when he saw his dad standing outside.

"Oh, dad," Stell said, his heart sinking as his father walked past him without a word and entered his dorm room. Stell sighed and followed him inside. His dad was inspecting his belongings with a stern look, taking his time examining everything in sight.

As his father stopped in front of his guitar, Stell knew the conversation wasn't going to be pleasant. His dad turned his gaze towards him, his voice taking on a serious tone.

"You need to take back what you said to the Kraisee and Nong Apinya, Stell," his father said. Stell could feel the tension in the room, his heart pounding in his chest as he clutched his hands, desperately trying to hold back his emotions. It was early in the morning, yet the weight of the conversation seemed to hang heavily over him.

"No dad, I deserve to choose who I want to marry, not you," Stell said, his voice stern and determined. His words reverberated through the room, echoing with his unwavering conviction.

His dad's eyes narrowed in anger, a stern expression etched on his face. "Your brother chose to marry a guy, and I won't let my other son make the same mistake," he retorted, his voice filled with a mix of disapproval and righteousness.

Stell knew he had to be careful with his response. He didn't want his words to have any unintended consequences for his older brother, whose happiness and well-being meant everything to him. "P'Kong is happy with his choice, regardless of gender. So am I. I can make my own choices," Stell asserted, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance.

His dad's anger intensified, and he started moving towards Stell with purpose, his hand raised as if prepared to deliver a sharp slap. But then, he stopped abruptly, freezing in his tracks.

"I won't tolerate this behavior," his dad declared, his voice cold and unyielding. "You will still be engaged, whether you like it or not, Stell. You might hate me for it, but I'm doing this for your own good."

Stell's heart sank as his father walked away, leaving him standing there, grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. He felt the weight of his father's disapproval pressing down on him, suffocating his hopes and dreams.

"Why can't you just let me be happy? Why are you doing this to me? Why me?" Stell's voice trembled with a mix of frustration and desperation as he watched his father's retreating back. He had never felt so helpless and misunderstood.

His father paused in his tracks, his back still turned to Stell. There was a heavy silence in the air, filled with unspoken tension.

"Happy? With what? Your dream to be a singer?" his father's voice replied, laced with an overwhelming sense of dismissiveness. "Stop being nonsense, Stell. It won't help you in life."

Stell's eyes brimmed with tears as he listened to his father's words. It felt as if his dreams were being crushed in that very moment, stripped away without any consideration for his happiness or passion. The pain of his father's indifference consumed him, leaving him feeling trapped and suffocated.

Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Stell angrily clenched his hand into a fist, and with a surge of adrenaline, he struck the nearest wall. The impact sent a jolt of pain through his knuckles, causing them to bleed, but he barely felt it. The physical pain was insignificant compared to the emotional anguish that gnawed at his soul.

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