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Ken wandered aimlessly on the school grounds, his mind consumed with thoughts of Stell and the upcoming pageant. He had bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Stell, but he had asked someone else to deliver them. Ken was certain that Stell would win the pageant - to him, Stell was everything.

Just then, his phone buzzed, indicating a new message. It was Josh. The message was about an after-party to celebrate their faculty's recent victories in various events. Ken knew that Mr. Moon and Ms. Star, the esteemed contestants from their faculty, would be attending. The thought of their presence made the party all the more enticing.

Josh, Pablo, and Nat were already at the party venue, eagerly awaiting Ken's arrival. Ken hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should go. Part of him wanted to attend, especially because he wanted to see Stell. However, he couldn't ignore the comments he had overheard about Stell and Athena, Stell's partner in the pageant, being a cute couple. It bothered him deeply.

"Tsk," Ken muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. "I can't stand the idea of Stell being with someone else. They may look good together, but Stell deserves a partner who truly appreciates them, just like me," he thought.

After minutes of aimlessly wandering around the campus, Ken found himself on the verge of heading back to his dorm. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the surroundings. Just as he was about to turn around, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"P'Ken, are you not going to the party?" Stell's voice rang out, filled with curiosity and a hint of disappointment. Ken turned around to see Stell standing there, still holding the bouquet of flowers ken had given him earlier, unaware that it was Ken since the card only said Felip.

Ken couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the sight of Stell holding the bouquet. He admired the way Stell's fingers delicately cradled the flowers, as if they were the most precious thing in the world. "Oh, well, I don't see a reason for me to be there. It's just a freshmen event," Ken replied, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to break through.

Stell's face fell slightly, a mix of confusion and disappointment crossing his features. "P'Pablo and the others are already there. It doesn't really matter if you're an upper-class, P'Ken," Stell said, his voice filled with a touch of pleading. He desperately wanted Ken to be there with him.

Ken's heart skipped a beat at Stell's words. The thought of being by Stell's side at the party sent a surge of warmth through his veins. "Everyone is scared of me; I don't think they would appreciate my presence there," Ken replied, his eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for any sign of validation for his hesitations.

Stell's eyes softened, and he took a step closer to Ken. "I'm not scared. You should come with me, P'Ken," Stell said, his voice filled with sincerity and a hint of vulnerability. The way Stell looked at him, with unwavering trust and belief, made Ken's heart race.

But Ken doesn't show it as he looks at Stell seriously, leaning forward to Stell's face. "Are you sure, 0894?" Ken said with his deep voice, sending chills down Stell's spine.

"Y-yes, of course, P'Ken," Stell mumbled, almost stuttering, as Ken chuckled, enjoying the effect he had on Stell. "Well, if you insist," Ken said, giving in to Stell's request, and Stell led him towards the Engineering Building where the party was being held.

As the two walked together, Stell couldn't help but strike up a conversation. "Uhm, P'Ken," Stell started, a nervous energy palpable in his voice. He struggled to find the right words, and Ken looked at him, waiting for Stell to express himself. "What? Just spill it," Ken said, his voice encouraging but firm, making Stell gulp nervously.

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