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The classroom reverberated with the lively chatter of students, their voices blending into a symphony of noise. Laughter filled the air as they eagerly awaited the end of the class, their professor having granted them the freedom to do as they pleased after completing a surprise test. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of liberation, as if the weight of the exam had been lifted off their shoulders.

Justin, a student with a hint of frustration etched on his face, glanced down at his test paper. His eyes narrowed as he saw a mere five checks amidst a sea of incorrect answers. "Man, that's complete BS right there. I didn't even read that chapter," he grumbled, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Elias, a mischievous grin playing on his lips, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease his friend. "Oh, shut up, Justin. At least you got some points," he retorted, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. With a flourish, Elias proudly displayed his own test paper, which bore the mark of an egg, symbolizing a complete lack of correct answers. Justin rolled his eyes, his frustration mounting. "You don't even know how to read, you dumbass," he shot back, his words laced with exasperation.

Stell, the calm observer amidst the banter, began gathering his belongings, preparing to leave the classroom. As he packed his things, a rumble of hunger echoed in his stomach. "Should we grab some food?" he suggested, his voice filled with a hint of longing.

Elias, however, pointed a finger towards the door, where a group of imposing third-year seniors stood guard. "Well, not with them guarding the door," he remarked, his tone tinged with caution. Stell couldn't help but emit a groan of frustration, his desire for a meal momentarily thwarted.

"Are they really going to wait until the professor dismisses us?" Justin asked, taking a bite of his chocolate bar. The sweet taste provided a momentary distraction from their predicament.

"Maybe. I think they're here to make sure everyone attends this time," Elias replied, his voice tinged with resignation. Stell nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the seniors stationed at the door. He had hoped to grab some food before heading to the gathering, but it seemed they had no choice but to proceed directly to the complex.

"Make sure to submit the project, alright? Okay, your seniors are here, so class dismissed," their professor announced before leaving the room. The students began to stir, preparing to follow the seniors' instructions.

"Alright, first-year students, get up and form lines so we can head to the complex," one of the seniors instructed, their authoritative tone leaving no room for hesitation.

"Um, excuse me, Phi, can we go to the cafeteria first? We haven't eaten since the first class," one of the students ventured to ask, hoping for a small reprieve.

"Sorry, guys, it's an order. We're just here to do what they ask of us. First, we need to get to the complex before we can inquire about getting you all at least a break to eat," one of the seniors explained, their voice carrying a sense of duty. The students, resigned to their fate, simply nodded, realizing that complaining would be futile.

As they walked towards the complex, Stell's stomach growled audibly, reminding him of his hunger. He turned to Justin with a hopeful expression. "Hey Jah, do you still have an extra chocolate bar?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Justin looked at Stell and nodded, reaching into his bag and passing his friend the chocolate bar. "Sure, here you go," Justin replied, a small smile playing on his lips. Stell's face lit up with gratitude as he eagerly unwrapped the chocolate bar, savoring each bite as it provided a momentary distraction from their predicament.

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