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Stell made his way through the bustling corridors towards the dressing room, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The highly anticipated pageant was about to begin, and he knew that every minute counted. They only had 30 minutes to prepare before stepping onto the stage.

As Stell pushed open the door to the dressing room, he was greeted by a whirlwind of activity. Contestants from various faculties were scattered around the room, each engrossed in their own preparations. The air was filled with the scent of hairspray and the sound of laughter and chatter.

His eyes scanned the room, searching for his partner, Athena. She was the one person he needed by his side to make this performance truly shine. And there she was, amidst the chaos, waving her hand and calling out to him.

Stell, here!” Athena’s voice rang out, cutting through the noise. Stell’s heart skipped a beat as he made his way towards her. She was seated in front of a mirror, her hair being expertly styled by a talented makeup artist.

Thank God you’re here, nong Stell,” The make artist  exclaimed, a hint of relief in her voice. “Come on, change this outfit before we fix your already handsome face.”

Stell chuckled, grateful for their lightheartedness. He quickly changed into the outfit that was handed to him – a baby blue and white ensemble. The knitted polo, denim pants, and loafers perfectly complemented Athena’s baby blue casual dress, creating a harmonious visual connection between them.

As he slipped into the new attire, Stell felt a surge of confidence. The clothes seemed to fit him like a second skin, enhancing his features and making him feel ready to conquer the stage. Just as he finished changing, his phone buzzed with a message from his friend, Felip.

Stell’s eyes sparkled with a mixture of anticipation and wistfulness as he read Felip’s message. A soft smile curved his lips, even though he knew that Felip’s face would remain a mystery in the sea of faces before him. Felip’s words, though typed on a screen, carried a warmth that transcended physical presence, a connection that Stell cherished deeply. With a quick reply, Stell pocketed his phone, the weight of their friendship lingering in his heart.

Returning to the dressing room, Stell settled into the plush chair, its velvety fabric enveloping him in comfort. The makeup artist approached, their hands deftly working through his hair, coaxing it into a style that softened the angles of his strong face structure. Each stroke of the brush, each twist of the curling iron, was a delicate dance, a symphony of artistry that transformed Stell’s appearance.

As the artist worked their magic, Stell’s attention shifted to Athena, who sat nearby, her nerves palpable in the air. She had poured her heart and soul into perfecting her part in their song performance, and now, on the precipice of their moment, doubt threatened to overshadow her confidence. Sensing her unease, Stell leaned in, his voice a soothing balm.

Hey, we will do great, I promise. Just trust in yourself, okay?” Stell’s words, like a gentle breeze, carried a sincerity that resonated with Athena. Her eyes, pools of uncertainty, met his, and in that exchange, a flicker of determination ignited within her. “Thanks, Stell. This is it,” she replied, her smile a delicate bloom that radiated an adorable charm. In that moment, Stell’s mind wandered to Ken, his friend with the intimidating scowl and the ability to melt hearts with a single smile. The thought brought a soft chuckle to Stell’s lips, a brief respite from the mounting tension.

Closing his eyes, Stell surrendered himself to the artist’s touch. The gentle strokes of foundation and the careful application of subtle contouring transformed his appearance, enhancing his natural allure. Even without makeup, Stell was undeniably handsome, but the softness added to his features accentuated his charm, creating a captivating presence that would command attention on the stage.

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