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Author's Note:

Hi everyone! I want to apologize for the delayed updates. College has been quite challenging, and I'm still trying to adjust to the demands of my nursing course. The workload and the pressure from professors like this one particularly demanding professor, who expects us to review two chapters and then take a pretest to prove our comprehension, have been getting on my nerves. It's been quite a struggle to find time to sit down and write a chapter amidst everything.

I also want to take a moment to express my gratitude to Mama Kenstellation, Tiatey and Synthx for their unwavering support. Having someone who believes in me and encourages me along this writing journey means the world to me.

Now, onto some exciting news! I've decided to make the upcoming chapters longer than the usual 5k-6k words. I want to ensure that your wait is worth it, and I believe that by extending the length of each chapter, I can offer you a more immersive and satisfying reading experience.

I must admit, I can't guarantee how frequently the updates will be coming since college is my top priority at the moment. However, I promise to do my best to deliver the next chapter as soon as I can.

Thank you all for your patience and support. Your enthusiasm and kind words have been incredibly motivating. I appreciate each and every one of you. Stay tuned for the next chapter, and I hope you enjoy the extended storytelling that lies ahead!

Warmest regards,

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