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Stell sat at the breakfast table, absorbed in his laptop, taking bites of his meal in between typing. His fingers danced across the keyboard as he entered the name "Ken Suson." Curiosity piqued, Stell eagerly explored the person's profile, scrolling through a series of photos that showcased P'Ken's strikingly handsome face. Stell couldn't help but feel captivated by his features.

"How can someone so intimidating look so incredibly attractive?" Stell muttered in disbelief, his gaze fixed upon the photos. He found himself lost in his thoughts, getting lost in the allure of P'Ken's appearance.

Just as Stell became completely immersed in P'Ken's profile, a sudden voice shattered his train of admiration. Caught off guard, he jerked in surprise, nearly spitting out his food in the process.

"What? Why are you guys here?" Stell asked, his voice filled with surprise, hastily taking a sip of water to regain his composure. Elias, wearing a mischievous smile, couldn't resist retorting, "We're here so we can go to school together, you clueless idiot. And don't act all embarrassed now that we caught you staring at P'Ken."

Stell's face turned even redder, his embarrassment growing more apparent. "I was just curious, you know," he weakly protested, attempting to downplay his curiosity. Desperate to shift the focus away from himself, he quickly countered with another question, "And how on earth did you guys manage to get in here?"

In response, Justin nonchalantly waved a key card in the air. "Because you left your key card behind," he explained, a playful glint in his eyes. Realizing his forgetfulness, "oh really?" reaching out to retrieve the misplaced item.

As Stell placed his now-empty dish into the dishwasher, he made sure to close his laptop, bringing an end to his covert investigation of ken's profile

Undeterred by Stell's eye-rolling, Justin and Elias continued their playful taunting, their laughter echoing in the room. The light-hearted banter served as a reminder of the strong bond and camaraderie they shared, even in moments of gentle teasing.

With the breakfast table now cleared, the friends knew it was time to embark on their day together. Stell gathered his belongings, a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through his veins. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the shared adventures that awaited them during their journey to school.

Despite the playful mockery he had endured, Stell cherished the company of Justin and Elias

"I don't know what you guys are up to. I'm really not interested, okay? Just looking," Stell tried to clarify as they arrived at the school. However, his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Justin sarcastically replied, "Fine, just looking," before playfully darting away, drawing attention from the surrounding students. Elias, unable to contain his laughter, followed closely behind.

Frustrated by their continued teasing, Stell couldn't help but feel the need to set things straight. "You! I told you it isn't like that!" he shouted after Justin, his voice filled with exasperation. Determined not to let him get away with his exaggerations, Stell sprinted after Justin, with Elias closely trailing behind, still chuckling.

"Stell, we still love you, you know, even if it's him!" Justin managed to shout between breaths as their chase continued. "Jah! You keep quiet-ackk!" Stell attempted to yell, but the impact had knocked the wind out of him, stealing his ability to continue his sentence.

As Stell slowly regained his composure, his head still spinning, he felt a mix of embarrassment and pain. He pushed himself up, his eyes widening in realization as he saw who he had collided with. It was none other than P'Ken, the intimidating figure of the school's Engineering head hazer.

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