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Stell sat on the balcony and admired the night sky. After their recent intense dispute, his mind was in a state of disarray. His father had immediately disregarded his lifelong desire to be a professional dancer and vocalist as a waste of time. He groaned as he felt the burden of all his issues pressing down on him. Even though he understood that his father was simply trying to keep him secure, He couldn't help but feel let down as well as annoyed. Even the night sky appeared to be gloomy, offering him no comfort.

He considered his elder brother Kong, an engineering graduate who had been granted a scholarship to study economics in China. He believed Kong could take over the business, but his father disapproved and urged Kong to pursue his own goals.

Stell sighed once again, feeling the pressure of the circumstances. He was aware that a choice had to be made, but he wasn't sure what it should be. He wanted to speak with his father and figure out how to bring both of them joy. He longed for guidance as he stared up at the sky.

Stell looked up at the stars, the weight of his obligations pressing down on his heart. He was the last one left to take over the family company after his two elder sisters had already wed and had children of their own. He had desired to become a professional dancer and vocalist, but this was not the life he had envisioned. But despite how painful it was for him, he was forced to take over the Family business.

He recalled the several arguments he had with his father while attempting to convince him that he wanted to follow his own dreams. Stell believed that his personal goals were unimportant, despite the fact that his father simply wanted the best for him. He wanted to scream in frustration, but he realized that doing so would only result in further disputes.

Even though his father didn't support him, he had to find a method to understand his dreams. All he had to do was figure out how. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, determined to find a method to make his dreams come true. No matter how difficult it was, he knew he had to keep battling for what he desired.

Stell was contemplating how unjust the world was while seated on the balcony. He had been thinking for so long that the sound of the door opening shocked him. His elder brother Kong was standing at the doorway, looking guilty, when he looked up. He didn't detest P'Kong, despite what some around them might have thought. In fact, he admired the man. His brother appeared to be flawless in every aspect; he was polite and intelligent. They were really unlike each other in a lot of ways. Kong was more outgoing, whereas Stell was more of an introvert. Additionally, he was the black sheep of the family. and he felt that nobody had ever genuinely understood how he felt.

Before eventually breaking the silence, Kong took a careful look at Stell. Kong remarked softly, "I know you probably don't want to hear it, but I'm sorry. I know how difficult it must be for you." Stell surprisedly turned to gaze at his bigger brother. In contrast to what he had anticipated, understanding was present. Kong grinned and added, "We're family, and that means something. I'm here if you ever need to talk."

Stell was shocked by his brother's comments. After all the years of feeling misunderstood, he had never anticipated such openness from him. With a smile, he returned P'Kong's address and remarked, " Thanks, P'Kong, I appreciate it." (Phee-P' = Older)

"I know you like dancing and singing more than anything, so if you don't really want to study engineering, I can talk to our father about it."

Stell first thought this was a brilliant idea, but he then noticed a ring on Kong's finger. P'arthit and P'kong were set to marry. Stell was aware that their father had initially been less than amenable to the notion of a same-sex partnership but had changed his mind about it.

Stell responded, "I appreciate your offer, P'kong, but I don't think I can comply with it. Dad has already accepted that you and P'arthit are together, and I don't want to upset him by suggesting something else for me. I know I'm not interested in engineering, but I don't want to cause any more trouble."

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