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Stell sat in his cramped dorm room, his eyes fixed on the screen as he watched intense volleyball clips. The room was filled with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Tomorrow was the highly anticipated championship match, and Stell couldn’t contain his eagerness to step onto the court and emerge victorious. The stakes were high, for if he won, the head hazer would owe him a favor. The mere thought of it sent a surge of adrenaline through his veins, fueling his competitive spirit.

Just as Stell was lost in the thrill of the game, a familiar chime broke through the air. He glanced at his phone and saw a message from his partner for the upcoming pageant. A wave of realization washed over him, as he had completely forgotten about the pageant amidst his single-minded focus on winning the bet. Regret filled his heart as he realized the gravity of his oversight.

The pageant was scheduled for the same day as the championship, and they hadn’t had a chance to practice together for the final time. Stell had made the decision to head straight to his dorm after a team dinner, believing that rest was crucial for his peak performance in the championship. But now, he understood the consequences of his choice.

A pang of guilt tugged at Stell’s conscience as he quickly typed out an apology to his partner. He expressed his sincere regret for neglecting their practice sessions and assured her that he would make it up to her. Determined to rectify his mistake, he promised to devote himself to practice and ensure that he was fully prepared for the pageant the following day.

As Stell hit send, a surge of determination coursed through his veins. He knew he had to reevaluate his priorities and manage his time more effectively. Winning the championship was important, but so was honoring his commitments and being there for his partner and the pageant.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Stell closed his laptop and set it aside. After sending the message to his partner for the pageant, Stell stood up from his bed and walked over to his guitar. As Stell picked up his guitar, he felt a sense of familiarity and comfort. He knew that his guitar would be his partner in this performance, accompanying him as he sang his heart out. With a determined look on his face, he settled himself on a nearby chair and strummed the strings gently, creating a soft melody that filled the room.

The random notes he played served as a warm-up, allowing his fingers to find their rhythm and his mind to focus on the task at hand. Stell’s fingers danced effortlessly across the fretboard, his skill and passion evident in every stroke of the strings.

As he continued to strum, Stell’s mind wandered to someone who had recently captured his attention – Felip. They had met in an online chatroom, bonding over their shared love for music. Stell couldn’t help but think of Felip as he played, his thoughts drifting to their late-night conversations and the way Felip made him smile.

A strange and wonderful feeling enveloped Stell as he sang, his voice blending harmoniously with the soft melody of the guitar. The lyrics of the song he chose, “Ikaw at Ako” by Moira Dela Torre, resonated deeply within him, reflecting the emotions he felt..

“Sabi nila, balang araw
Darating ang iyong tanging hinihiling
At noong dumating ang aking panalangin
Ay hindi na maikubli
Ang pag-asang nahanap ko sa 'yong mga mata
At ang takot kung sakali mang ika’y mawawala”

As these heartfelt lyrics left Stell’s lips, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of confusion and joy. The song became a vessel for his emotions, Each word he sang carried a weight that made him question the nature of their connection.

Stell recalled all the late-night chats they had shared, the laughter and the moments of vulnerability. Felip had become more than just a friend from the internet; he had become someone who made Stell’s heart flutter with excitement and anticipation.

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