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Stell, Justin, and Elias found themselves in Justin’s condominium after a long day of classes. Stell, the studious one of the group, sat at the dining table, diligently scribbling notes for their upcoming exams. Meanwhile, Justin and Elias relaxed on the couch, their attention captured by the games on their phones.

Amidst the lighthearted atmosphere, Elias suddenly broke the silence. His gaze shifted towards Stell, concern etched on his face. “Oh, right. I heard that the head hazer targeted you again,” Elias remarked, his voice filled with worry.

Stell, unfazed by the news, simply shrugged his shoulders. “It’s nothing,” he responded casually, his focus unwavering as he continued to write in his notebook.

Elias couldn’t help but express his guilt. “Is it because you helped me get those signatures? I’m really sorry, dude,” he sincerely apologized, abandoning his game and directing his full attention towards Stell, his eyes reflecting sadness.

Offering reassurance, Stell looked up from his notes, a warm smile spreading across his face. “Hey, it’s fine. Even if I hadn’t helped, they would’ve found some other excuse to mess with us,” he replied, his voice calm yet firm. Justin nodded in agreement, indicating his support.

Elias, still wrestling with guilt and frustration, shared his thoughts. “But man, I can’t deny that I feel responsible for this. He manipulated you into saying those uhm words,” Elias stated, his tone tinged with anger, memories of overhearing students gossiping about the incident between Stell and the head hazer flooding his mind.

The room filled with an air of tension as  Stell set his pen down and locked eyes with Elias, a profound sense of understanding filled the room. “Listen, Elias, it’s not your fault,” Stell began, his voice gentle yet assertive. “And even if he made me say those things, it’s not something I should make a big deal out of. Being gay is not the problem here; it’s just that I hate how he thinks making me say those words is funny or something,” Stell admitted honestly, his mind recollecting the distressing incident that took place in the library.

Justin, finally tearing his attention away from his game, interjected, “Well, it’s evident that you’re the primary target here, Stell.” His tone was serious, reflecting his concern for his friend’s well-being.

Stell responded with a chuckle, shrugging off Justin’s observation. “I don’t mind,” he replied confidently. “So, Elias, don’t be too hard on yourself. I would never blame you, okay? Besides, it was my suggestion in the first place, so technically, it’s my fault.” Stell’s words were filled with reassurance, his warm smile reinforcing his sincerity.

Elias couldn’t help but smile in response, grateful for Stell’s understanding. However, a nagging sense of guilt still lingered within him. In an attempt to rectify the situation, he proposed, “Fine, should we not attend the gathering? Perhaps it’s best to avoid any further trouble.”

Justin, puzzled by Elias’ suggestion, responded with confusion evident in his voice, “For what?”

Elias took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, “Well, we don’t need that unnecessary drama in our lives. If we skip the gathering, we can avoid any potential confrontations and focus on our studies "

Stell took a moment to consider Elias’ proposal as the room fell into a brief silence. However, a smile slowly formed on his face, and he shook his head gently. “I don’t think avoiding is the answer,” Stell replied confidently, his eyes shining with determination. “Plus, I don’t want those seniors to win. So, I’m still going to the gathering.”

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