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Justin, Elias and their other two classmates, Cris and Leo, had been discussing their plan to go out drinking for days now, and when they finally reached the Nek's Bar, they were all in awe. The bar was unlike anything they had expected, and it seemed far better than any of the typical bars they had visited before. As they settled in one of the tables, Cris quickly ordered some beer for everyone and light beer for Justin.

The four of them struck up conversations with each other, and Leo eventually asked Justin, "So how did you find this bar, Justin?"

"Oh, Stell recommended it," Justin replied, his eyes gazing around the bar in wonder.

"Oh yeah, why didn't Stell join us?" Cris asked, taking a seat beside Leo.

"It's Stell," Elias answered in a knowing tone. "You know when that man sets his goals, he'll do it no matter what. Now that the professor assigned him this research paper, I'm sure Stell's going to spend a lot of time in the library."

Leo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's that kind of man."

"I heard that he still follows the head hazer's requests in the library, even when they take it too far," Leo added, and Justin and Elias's faces quickly fell.

"Yeah, it seems like they're targeting Stell," Elias said, his voice laced with a hint of anger.

"Especially the head hazer," Justin added, his face souring at the thought of it. "It's always him."

"You guys seem really protective of Stell," Cris said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Of course," Elias said, as if it were a no-brainer. "Stell is our friend, and he always finds himself in trouble no matter what."

Just then, the waiter came to put the beers on the table, and Leo started to distribute them among the group. They all grabbed their drinks and clinked them together in a toast.

"Here's to Stell," Justin said, raising his glass up.

"Yeah," the others agreed in unison, and they all took a sip of their drinks.

As the group continued drinking for hours, Justin was already drunk and talking random nonsense. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and merriment, as they all let loose and enjoyed the night. Justin, in his drunken state, suddenly declared with a slurred voice, “And you know what -hik- if I saw those scary hazing team, I’d fight them!”

The others burst into laughter, their own intoxication heightening their amusement. Elias, who had just woken up from nodding off at the table, chimed in, his words slightly muddled, “Really? You think you can do that, Justin?”

Yeah! Watch me fight them. I’ll show them who’s boss, I'll make them--” Justin replied confidently, his words overlapping together. However, before he could finish what he was attempting to say, another voice interjected, cutting through the jovial atmosphere. “Make what?”

As the sound of that voice reached Justin’s ears, his drunken haze evaporated, and a wave of discomfort washed over him. Even the others, in their drunken stupor, shared his apprehension as they turned to see the hazing team, looming ominously over them. Justin’s heart sank as he realized the voice belonged to Josh, the leader of the hazing team.

“I said, you make us what? You seemed pretty confident earlier,” Josh retorted, a sly grin spreading across his face. Pablo, standing nearby, shook his head, knowing all too well what was about to unfold.

The atmosphere turned tense as Justin gulped nervously, realizing the consequences of his words. The once boisterous laughter died down, replaced by an eerie silence. All eyes were now fixated on Justin, waiting to see if he would back up his bold claims or crumble under the pressure.

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