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After Stell's group left the bar, the hazing team chatted happily among themselves as Ken watched Stell and Stell's friends walk away, while holding a chocolate drink in his hand. "I never expected Nong Stell to be the new singer Mr. N hired," Pablo exclaimed, still hyped from watching one of Stell's performances earlier. "Honestly, he's really good. I wonder why he chose engineering instead of pursuing a career in the performing arts. If I were a talent recruiter, I would love to have Stell as one of my artists," Nat added, taking a sip of his beer. Josh nodded in agreement, acknowledging that their first-year student, Nong Stell, had the potential to skyrocket in the entertainment industry. The others chimed in, expressing their agreement.

"Now I feel bad about having them punished earlier during the SOTUS gathering," Pablo said, chuckling as he shook his head. "Well, Ken is mostly to blame for Nong Stell's group getting in trouble for no reason," Nat commented carefully, casting a glance at Ken, who seemed disinterested in their conversation. Nat rolled his eyes and continued sipping his drink.

"I really thought tonight was going to be an easy flow, but man, Ken is just uncontrollable," Josh added, laughing as he recalled the incident. Pablo noticed that Ken was distant from the group, not paying attention to their discussion. He gently tapped Ken on the shoulder, prompting his friend to look at him. "Are you okay, man?" Pablo asked, concern evident in his voice. Ken simply shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I'm good, just thinking." He absentmindedly played with his glass, lost in his own thoughts.

Pablo let out a sigh, having known Ken for so long. He understood that Ken was a stubborn person who wouldn't easily share his feelings or thoughts.

Pablo left Ken alone as he and the others continued their lively conversation, discussing the upcoming events for the engineering faculty. They shared jokes and laughed while planning their strategies for the upcoming capture the flag game.

As Ken made his decision to leave, he politely interrupted their conversation, "I'll go ahead," Ken announced, grabbing his bag. Nat, surprised by Ken's sudden departure, questioned, "Are you sure, Ken? We've only been here for an hour and a half."

Ken nodded, his exhaustion evident in his voice. "Yeah, I'm tired and just need to get some sleep." He waited for his friends to give him the go-ahead before making his way towards the exit.

"Okay, be careful on your way out," Pablo cautioned, concern etched on his face. The others nodded in agreement. "Sure thing, tell Uncle I'll help him close the bar next time," Ken replied before disappearing into the night.

Ken had a car parked nearby, but he decided to take a leisurely walk instead. He enjoyed the peacefulness of the night, with only the moonlight illuminating his path and the soothing sounds of nature filling the air.

As he strolled, Ken's mind wandered back to Stell. He couldn't help but wonder why this particular person had captivated him so deeply. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

Ken had always considered himself someone who could easily remain detached and unaffected by most things. But there was something about Stell's voice, his passion, and the way he commanded the stage that had stirred something within Ken. It was a feeling he couldn't quite put into words, but it was undeniably powerful.

Lost in his thoughts, Ken meandered through the quiet streets, contemplating the significance of this newfound interest. He pondered whether there was more to his fascination with Stell than just a passing curiosity.

As Ken walked quietly, he found himself standing in front of Stell's condominium, oblivious to the fact that he had wandered in the opposite direction of his own dormitory. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Stell, causing him to be flustered and disoriented. Looking up at the imposing building, Ken let out a sigh, realizing that he was losing control of his emotions.

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