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Ken sat patiently at a corner table in the coffee shop, his eyes occasionally glancing at the entrance, anticipating Stell's arrival. He arrived a bit early, not wanting Stell to experience the discomfort of waiting. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as the chatter of mall-goers provided a background hum.

The waiter approached with a warm smile, placing a cup of coffee in front of Ken. "Here's your coffee, sir. Would you like anything else?" the waiter inquired.

"Yes, could I get some extra sugar and milk, please?" Ken replied, a hint of eagerness in his voice. The waiter nodded and swiftly brought the requested additions.

As the waiter left, Ken happily stirred the extra sugar and milk into his coffee, creating a concoction that might be considered too sweet for most. Undeterred, Ken seemed content with his creation, taking a sip with a satisfied expression.

Lost in his own thoughts, Ken aimlessly wandered around the coffee shop, enjoying the ambiance. Two high school girls, seemingly emboldened, approached him with a shy smile.

"Um, excuse me," one of the girls began, "my friend here is curious about your name." She nudged her friend forward, who looked at Ken with a mixture of curiosity and hesitation.

Ken turned to face them, his expression unchanged. He glanced at the friend, taking in her appearance, and then looked back at the girl who had initiated the conversation. His response was delivered in a monotone voice, devoid of any emotion.

"I don't care," Ken replied bluntly, his poker face intact. With that, he returned his attention to his coffee, leaving the girls dumbfounded and unsure how to react.

"That's kinda rude, you know," the girl insisted once more, her friend tugging at Ken's sleeve with a mix of curiosity and annoyance. Despite the persistent remark, Ken remained stoic, his gaze fixed on his coffee cup as if it held the secrets of the universe. He didn't even spare a glance in their direction, his demeanor unwavering.

Unfazed by Ken's lack of response, the girl seemed determined to voice her opinion. However, before she could utter another word, another voice cut through the tension like a breath of fresh air.

"P'Ken, why are you so early? I tried to arrive first," Stell chimed in, slightly breathless from rushing to meet the head hazer. Taking a seat opposite Ken, he tried to catch his breath, his eyes darting between Ken and the perplexed girls lingering nearby.

Ken's lips curved into a small smile at Stell's arrival. "Here, I already got you drinks," he said, pushing a glass towards Stell, who gratefully accepted it. As Stell took a sip, he couldn't help but notice the lingering presence of the girls.

"Uhm, Nong? Do you need something?" Stell asked, his tone friendly and inviting. The girls, caught off guard by his kindness, exchanged uncertain glances before shaking their heads and quietly retreating.

"What's up with them?" Stell wondered aloud, turning to Ken for an explanation. Ken simply shrugged, his attention already drifting back to his coffee.

"Well, should we eat first or?" Stell's voice cut through the ambient chatter of the coffee shop, his eyes bright with anticipation as he lifted his cup to take a sip. Across the table, Ken paused, considering the question before nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, food first. It's already quarter to 11. So, where do you want to eat?" Ken's tone was relaxed, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips as he awaited Stell's response.

Stell's face lit up with a sudden burst of excitement, his eyes widening with enthusiasm. "Should we go to the Ramen house? I heard they just opened," he suggested eagerly, the prospect of savory noodles clearly appealing to him. Ken nodded, a small smile of agreement forming on his face. Ramen sounded like the perfect choice for their impromptu meal.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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