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Ken groggily awoke to the sound of his phone's notification. Reluctantly, he reached over to grab his phone from the bedside table, not yet ready to face the day. With a heavy sigh, he glanced at the screen, hoping it wasn't one of his friends disturbing his precious sleep. If it was, he swore he would curse them for waking him up so early.

To his surprise, it was Stell's name that appeared in the notification bar, instantly jolting him awake. Ken's eyes widened as he eagerly opened the message from Stell. It simply read, "Good morning!" A smile spread across Ken's face as he read those words. He quickly typed out a reply, returning the greeting to Stell.

As Ken typed, he couldn't help but reflect on the conversation he had had with Stell the previous night. It had been the first time they had chatted without Stell being scared or intimidated by Ken's imposing presence. It was a refreshing change for Ken, who often struggled to connect with others due to his intimidating demeanor.

Ken chuckled to himself as he read Stell's next message. "Did I wake you up, Felip?" Stell had used Ken's real name, a gesture that made Ken's heart skip a beat.

"Nope, I'm actually up already. Why are you up so early?" Ken replied, getting up from his bed and walking towards the bathroom. He held his phone in his hand, eagerly waiting for Stell's response.

"Oh, my friend just barged into my dorm, and they're pretty loud in the morning," Stell messaged, causing Ken to furrow his eyebrows. The thought of someone being in Stell's room didn't sit well with him. He hated the idea of anyone intruding on their private conversations.

"Really? You should just ask them to leave if you need more sleep," Ken suggested, putting his phone down and starting to brush his teeth. His eyes remained glued to the screen, hoping for Stell's reply.

"Nah, it's fine, and I'm used to them now. Anyway, I need to go now bye, Felip, talk to you soon" Stell's last message made Ken pout, even with a toothbrush in his mouth. He still wanted to chat with Stell, but he understood that Stell had to go.

Ken quickly rinsed his mouth and grabbed his phone, wiping off the toothpaste residue from the screen. He typed a quick reply, trying to hide his disappointment. "Alright, if you say so. Have a good day, Stell. We'll chat later, okay?" He sent the message, hoping to keep the conversation alive.

Ken continued with his daily routine for the morning, wearing his favorite black hoodie that always made him feel comfortable and confident. He left his dorm and made his way through the bustling halls of the university, the sound of students chatting and the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the air.

As he walked, lost in his own thoughts, he suddenly felt the weight of hands on his shoulders. Startled, he turned around to find Josh and Pablo, his two closest friends, standing there with mischievous grins on their faces.

"Why does Ken look like he's in such a good mood, hmm?" Josh teased, his voice filled with playful curiosity. Pablo joined in, furrowing his eyebrows in mock suspicion. "Looks like someone made his day so bright, brighter than the sun," he remarked, causing Ken to roll his eyes in response.

"Oh, highness Ken, please tell us your secrets!" Josh exclaimed, his voice dripping with exaggerated enthusiasm as he gestured dramatically. Nat, another friend who had joined the group, couldn't help but facepalm at their antics, finding their energy a bit too much for this early hour.

"None of your business," Ken replied, brushing off the playful banter from his friends. Nat couldn't help but laugh at their exchange, finding their camaraderie amusing. Pablo, who had been observing the conversation, smacked Josh on the back of his head and followed Ken as he continued walking.

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