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Ken stood in front of the mirror, fixing his hair as he stared at himself. He let out a sigh, not really wanting to go through with this, but knowing that he didn't have much of a choice. After all, it was the previous head hazers, and they held a certain power over him. He couldn't back out now, could he?

Just as Ken was finishing up, his phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He picked it up and saw Josh's name flashing on the screen. With a sense of annoyance, he answered the call.

"Ey Ken, we're already in front of your dorm. Get your ass here," Josh said impatiently, his voice filled with urgency. Ken rolled his eyes, not bothering to respond, and hung up the phone without saying a word.

With one last look at himself in the mirror, Ken smiled, satisfied with his appearance. He had taken extra care to make sure he looked presentable, even though he didn't particularly want to impress the head hazers. It was more about maintaining his own self-respect.

As Ken stepped outside, he saw Pablo's car parked in front of his dorm. Josh and Nat, his two idiot friends, were waving at him from inside the car. Ken made his way over and slid into the passenger seat, greeted by Pablo's warm smile from the driver's seat.

"How's the long shower, your highness?" Josh joked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Nat couldn't resist and smacked Josh on the head.

"Ouch, Nat?! Seriously, why are you guys so obsessed with smacking my beautiful head?" Josh complained, rubbing the spot where Nat had hit him.

Pablo chuckled at the banter between Josh and Nat. "Okay, okay, enough joking around. We should get going before we're late for this dinner," he said, starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. Kasem had already sent the location to Pablo, and he knew it would be a 30-minute drive.

Ken was engrossed in watching anime on his phone, oblivious to the commotion happening in the back seat. Josh and Nat continued their playful fight, with Josh constantly annoying Nat. It was their usual dynamic, and Pablo couldn't help but smile at their antics.

As they drove, Pablo couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It had been a while since they had all gone on a road trip together like this. The past year had been busy for all of them, especially with their responsibilities as the hazing team. They had been consumed by their duties, and this little road trip was a welcome break from it all.

Pablo glanced at Ken, who was still immersed in his anime. He remembered how they used to spend hours watching shows together, laughing and discussing the plot twists. It was a reminder of the bond they shared, a bond that had only grown stronger over the years.

The radio played a familiar song, and Pablo turned up the volume, enjoying the melody. The music filled the car, creating a comfortable atmosphere. It was moments like these that reminded Pablo of the simple joys of friendship.

As the 30-minute ride came to an end, they finally arrived at the restaurant. Pablo parked his car in the parking lot, and as he turned to look at his friends, he noticed a mix of nervousness and excitement on their faces.

"Hey, it's just a dinner," Pablo said gently, trying to ease their nerves. Josh and Nat nodded their heads in agreement, while Ken, seemingly unaffected, quickly left the car and headed towards the entrance.

Taking a deep breath, Pablo followed suit and hopped out of the car. As he looked at the restaurant, he couldn't help but notice its unique ambiance. It was difficult to determine whether it was a restaurant or a resto bar, much like Ken's uncle's bar.

Standing in front of the restaurant, the four friends hesitated for a moment, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Alright, let's go. Enough with this silliness," Ken said, rolling his eyes and leading the way into the restaurant. Pablo and the others followed suit, stepping inside and immediately being greeted by a completely different atmosphere.

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