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Stell and Arthit sat quietly in the car, savoring their delicious milkshakes, while Kong found himself engrossed in a phone call outside the car. Excitement hung in the air as they eagerly awaited Justin's arrival from his house, conveniently located near theirs. Stell shifted his gaze towards Arthit, his future brother-in-law, curiosity evident in his eyes. With a playful yet sincere tone, He couldn't help but ask the question that had been on his mind. "P'Arthit, if you don't mind me asking, what brings you here? Not that I mind your company, of course, but don't you have work to attend to?"

Before Arthit could respond, he took a moment to enjoy a sip of his milkshake, feeling a warmth spreading through him. With a genuine smile, he finally spoke. "Nong, your beloved P'Kong wanted to make sure you have everything you need, so he kindly invited me to join you." (Nong or N' = younger)

Stell's expression turned serious and skeptical as he fixed his gaze on Arthit. "Are you absolutely sure about that, Phi?" he questioned once again, seeking confirmation and perhaps a hint of mischief in his tone.

Arthit let out a sigh of frustration, his voice filled with a hint of sadness, as he leaned in closer and spoke softly. "Nong, your brother is really angry with me. He's been completely ignoring me," he disclosed, the weight of the situation evident in his words. Stell shook his head in disbelief, realizing that something was definitely amiss. The lack of affectionate behavior between Arthit and Kong was unusual, especially considering how enthusiastic Kong was about expressing his love and affection.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Stell nodded, urging Arthit to share the reason behind his older brother's anger. With a hint of regret in his voice, Arthit admitted that he had made a grave error by expressing his concerns about the challenges of maintaining a long-distance relationship. He had turned to Kong and suggested the possibility of a temporary break, as Kong needed to be in China to pursue an economics scholarship program.

A heavy wave of realization washed over Stell as he understood the impact of Arthit's words. It was clear that his suggestion had deeply hurt Kong, provoking a strong reaction of anger and disappointment. Stell could empathize with both of his friends, recognizing the weight of their individual desires and ambitions.

In Kong's eyes, the suggestion of a temporary break seemed like a questioning of their love and commitment. It punctured his heart, for he believed their bond was strong enough to overcome any distance or challenge. As such, his fury was a manifestation of his hurt and confusion.

Feeling a deep sense of empathy towards Arthit, Stell understood the challenging position he was in, trying to navigate the process of making amends with Kong. The situation reminded him of a personal experience he had with his own older brother, who had once been furious with him for a prolonged period of time.

Stell recalled the feeling of helplessness as he tried, unsuccessfully, to reach out and communicate with his brother during those two long weeks. No matter how many attempts he made to bridge the gap and resolve their conflict, it seemed as though his brother's anger had created an impenetrable barrier between them. It was a painful period, filled with frustration and a longing for reconciliation.

Stell's voice carried a supportive tone as he wished Arthit the best of luck. "Best of luck, P'Arthit," he said earnestly. "I hope fortune smiles upon you." However, Arthit frowned, feeling a sense of letdown. He couldn't help but express his disappointment. "You're not going to help me?"

Stell chuckled softly and shook his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Nope, my dear P'Arthit ," he replied playfully. "The last time I tried to help and took your side, P'Kong got angry at me for interfering. I learned my lesson the hard way, and I won't risk causing any further harm to our relationship as his younger brother. I assure you, it's best to let you both work things out on your own this time."

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