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Stell was in deep thought as he received the text from his father. He was in the middle class, trying to concentrate on his professor's lecture when Justin tapped his shoulder. "You okey Stell?" he said, pointing out towards the front. Stell immediately put his phone down and stood up, "Uhm yes, prof?" he said. The professor shook his head and reminded Stell to finish his research paper before the month ends. Stell replied with a yes, and the professor dismissed the class.

"Are you okey, Stell?" Justin asked again.

"Yeah, just thinking about something," Stell said, not wanting to tell Justin what he was really thinking.

"Should we eat after class?" Elias said, just getting up from his nap to ease his hangover. As he stretches while looking for the two to response.

"I can't today, sorry. I need to go somewhere," Stell said, as he started writing on his notebook. Justin and Elias were confused as to why Stell was acting this way, but they just let him be and continued their conversation.

Stell's mind was in a whirlwind. He was trying to think of the possible reason why his father invited him for a family dinner. It seemed so sudden, especially since they were not on good terms, after their arguments about Stell pursuing a career in singing rather than engineering. He felt a pang of guilt in his chest at the thought of the dinner.

After the class, Stell felt a palpable unease settle within him as he bid his goodbyes to his friends, a feeble smile masking his troubled state. Sensing something amiss, Justin, his closest companion, quickly intervened and halted Stell's hesitant steps. "Stell, what's going on?" Justin's voice brimmed with genuine concern as he locked his gaze onto Stell's troubled eyes. "You've been acting so strangely since you received that text. Are you sure you're okay?"

Stell released a heavy sigh, his shoulders drooping under the weight of his turmoil. He met Justin's worried gaze, his voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and reservation. "Yeah, I promise I'll tell you later, okay? You guys go ahead and grab some food. I'll be fine," he reassured Justin, desperately attempting to cloak his inner turmoil with false certainty. However, Justin remained unconvinced, his eyes piercing and unyielding as he sternly regarded Stell.

Stell's pleading eyes locked with Justin's unwavering gaze, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out to gently caress Justin's shoulder. "Please," he implored, the vulnerability in his voice palpable. Relenting, Justin let out a resigned huff, an undercurrent of apprehension still present in his tone. "Ugh, fine. Just make sure you tell me everything later, okay?" he conceded, his voice tinged with frustration and lingering concern. Stell offered him a grateful smile before bidding his goodbyes to Justin and Elias, their other friend.

Stell's footsteps echoed through the deserted corridors as he made his way towards the solitude of the parking lot. A wave of anxiety surrounded him as he entered his car, the cold leather seat contrasting with the turbulence of emotions within. Just as he settled in, his phone buzzed, signaling an incoming message from his father. Exhaling wearily, Stell reluctantly unlocked his phone and opened the message, revealing a simple yet meaningful piece of information - the address of a restaurant.

With hesitant curiosity, Stell hastily searched for the restaurant's location on his phone, his trembling fingers guiding him through the labyrinthine streets of uncertainty. As the screen flickered to life, a detailed map materialized, the restaurant's icon drawing his attention. Stell's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the familiar emblem. It was the same restaurant he hadn't graced with his presence since his childhood, a place brimming with memories both cherished and forgotten.

A whirlwind of memories, both nostalgic and enigmatic, swept over Stell, engulfing him in a sea of emotions. What had compelled his father to choose this particular establishment? A sense of urgency emanated from the text and seeped into his very being, urging him to uncover the enigma that lay ahead.

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