Chapter 23

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Selena Gomez
I was walking from the beach I went to my room I seen yellow flowers here they are my favorite I turned to go into restroom but I bumped into a chest I looked up I met brown eyes "Do you think I wouldn't find you"he said I looked down but he made me look at him "last week you said 'How do I know that you are always pregnant' and remember I told you once I been tapping that since 2011"he said tears fell out my eyes he kissed me "Justin" I said I wiggled out his grasp "I said not to come find me" I said "And I did "Don't come looking for me I'm in heaven trying to figure out how much I can love someone" he read "You know how much you love me Selena" he said I looked at him "you put yourself through hell because I wasn't there" he said "Now I'm here where she go" he said he got on his knees in front of me "Selena Marie Gomez" he said "Stop" I said "Let's renew our vows" he said as I walked to the living room tears came to my eyes "What about Hailey" I said "What about her" he said "She's gonna die" I said "That's her problem I made up my mind when I came back I came to you not her"he said tears came to my eyes he hugged me I hugged back I wrapped my legs around his waste we went to the bed he smiled "What" I said " I'm in heaven you where so giving me a message" he said "no I wasn't" I said "After losing our virginity to each other you said you were in heaven because it was soft and gentle" he said "And you made that post" he said "Of our hands like this" he said and took a picture of our hands connected on the pillow he kissed me after sex we laid there "I realized something"he said "What's that" I said "This the same bed we lost our virginity in"he said "no way shut up" I said he got up "Come here" he said "What" I said "Hopefully it's still there"he said "What are we looking for" I said he laid on the ground "Well when we got back to the room you were horny and we fell on the floor and I had my watch on and I hit my wrist on the reels"he said he grabbed his phone and showed me with his flashlight "Oh  mmy gosh" I said tears came out my eyes "The dent is because I hit my wrist trying to hold you down"he said I kissed him "I been yours and I'll never stop being yours" he said we cuddled but he grabbed me and we got in bed "Do the kids hate me" I said "No they were totally understanding about you running off" he said "They actually wanted to come" he said "But I know you wouldn't want them missing school so I said no" he said "Good" I said "Hey look at me" he said "Yes" I said he sat up on his arm "When you feeling down and upset or confused you can talk to me about it don't go doing this shit"he said "I'll have your sexy ass admitted to the psychiatric ward"he said "And I'll tell them you belong in there too then we both be stuck" I said smiling he kissed me "I love you so much" he said "How much do you love me" I said "I show you every day" he said "yea With what your dick" I said "Sometimes but I show other ways too"he said "I guess" I said my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep

Justin Bieber
My phone rung I seen scooter calling a I got up out Selena grip "So your decision"He said "Tell her no" I said "I'm done with her her death not on my hands" I said "Okay then"He said we hung up I went to lay down Selena automatically wrapped herself around me "Okay" I said I kissed her head and went to sleep
The curtains opened and I seen Selena she came up to me "Wake up babe" she said "Babe I'm tired I was on a 4 long hour plane ride just to find you" I said "Justin" she said "Okay dammit" I said she giggled as I pushed her to the bed  we kissed "Do you want daddy" I said she nodded I smiled "Yes I want daddy" she said I entered her she moaned "Oh yes" she moaned after sex we showered "My baby"I said after I packed her bag and mines too "Well we going back home" I said "do I have too"she said "Yea we have 4 kids to raise" I said "Justin" she said "Yes" I said "I heard you last night" she said "I am right here her death isn't on my hands no one told her to get this crazy over me" I said "Okay" she said "So baby I'm here for us" I said "All the way" I said she nodded "She wanna hurt her self over me let her she'll learn when it doesn't go through" I said "stop Justin" she said "Okay" I said "She may have been a horrible person but wishing death on her isn't right" she said "I didn't wish death on her" I said "You said that if she wanna hurt herself that's on her that's fucked up"she said "no one telling her to do it" I said "But she might will"she said "And it's sad that you're egging on"she said "What do you want for me" I said "Talk to her"she said "Why so she can trap me like she did last time" I said "Do it" she said "Yes ma'am" I said "But a challenge I'll talk to her but with you with me" I said "You scared of her" she said "No I just think that if I'm forced to talk to her then you should be there too"I said she laughed "I'm serious" I said "Okay then"she said we kissed we got our things checked out then got into the car off to the airport we got home the twins where sleeping and Drew was watching tv "Mom"he said he ran up to her "Drew baby" she said kissing his head "I wanted to come but dad said no" he said "Well because you had school"she said leah came in "Mom" she said hugging Selena "Mom I was scared and I seen dad crying for the first time" she said "I was not crying" I said "Yes you was" she said "It's okay to cry"Selena said "I was coming back" she said "When" I said "When I wrapped my head around the situation" she said "But I need you" I said "Who's ready for dinner" I heard mom say "Oh my goodness you found her"mom said "Yes he did" Selena said "True lovers will always find each other" I said "So dinner"mom said "Actually I'm not hungry"Selena said "okay"mom said Selena walked out "is she okay"mom asked "she having a hard time" I said she nodded I went upstairs to Selena "Babe" I said "Are you okay" I said "I am a bad mom" she said "I left them" she said "you are a great mom" I said "I left without telling them I don't deserve to be a mom" she said "Look at me you might have left them but they were here with my mom and me before I came to find you" I said "come on" I said taking her hand going to the kitchen "Selena thinks she's not a good mom" I said "She's a wonderful mother better then I was"mom said "once when Justin was three he wanted to play outside in the community park but I was too tired so I told him to shut up and go play in his room"mom said "I mean you told me about your past so I don't blame you for that" I said "But I ran away"Selena said "And that's okay some people get scared because dealing with Justin is hard work"mom said "And I know that feeling you have is because of Justin and the situation"mom said "I mean yea somebody wants to harm herself because of him"Selena said "And that's not his problem she can't force him to be with her"mom said "Right but it's better to"Selena started "I'm here where I wanna be" I said kissing Selena cheek "See he's hard work"mom said "Well I'm going home"Selena said "We all live together" I said "So"Selena said then walked out the house "Must be her bipolar coming" I said "okay" she said "Thanks for watching them kids let's go" I said we left going home Selena went to her room "Do you guys have homework" I asked "I do"Drew said "Okay get to it" I said "I'll be upstairs" I said going up to Selena room I cuddled up to her

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